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HTTP-related+ WG Report (webpush and rtcweb) (I...

HTTP-related+ WG Report (webpush and rtcweb) (IETF91)

「IETF報告会 (91st ホノルル) 」 2014/12/19 ( http://www.isoc.jp/wiki.cgi?page=IETF91Update , https://www.nic.ad.jp/ja/topics/2014/20141209-01.html ) 発表資料 #isocjp

HAYASHI, Tatsuya ( @lef )

April 20, 2015

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  1. https://lepidum.co.jp/ Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.

    HTTP-related+ WG Report (webpush and rtcweb) (IETF91) 株式会社レピダム 林 達也 (@lef ) HAYASHI, Tatsuya / Lepidum Co. Ltd. "ISOC-JP IETF91報告会" (2014/12/19)
  2. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    自己紹介・業務領域 名前  林 達也 ( @lef ) 所属  株式会社レピダム 代表取締役  Internet Society Japan Chapter Online Identity WG チェア/ プログラム委員  OpenID Foundation Japan 事務局長  Identity Conference ( #idcon ) オーガナイザー  慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 所員(訪問) 業務領域 応用・実用研究  標準化支援  アイデンティティ,プライバシー  認証・認可  ソフトウェア&ネットワークセ キュリティ, 脆弱性  ネットワーク技術  プログラミング言語処理系  コンパイラ, インタプリタ, 言語設計  各種コンサルテーション
  3. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

  4. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    概要  いわゆるPush通知機能の標準化を目指す  Notification delivered when browser is not running  ex) WebRTC call  IETF91の新WG  対象等  着信通話やメッセージ等のリアルタイムのイベント  ネットワーク通信への継続的なアクセス  省電力  アプリケーション統合, デバイスへのデータの配信  HTTPベースのプロトコル  エンドツーエンドのセキュリティメカニズムを適用  W3C Webapps Working Group / Web Push API  http://www.w3.org/TR/push-api/
  5. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    構成案  Notification delivered when browser is not running  WebRTC call
  6. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    Agenda  Web Push + HTTP/2  MPEG DASH Requirements for a webpush Protocol
  7. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

  8. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    rtcweb WG in IETF88 Mandatory To Implement (MTI)  Audio:  G.711(STD.ITU-T RECMN G.711-ENGL 1989) and Opus(RFC 6716) → fixed!  Video:  H.264 vs VP8 Battle!!!  OpenH264公開 → Cisco "we pay MPEG-LA"  http://www.openh264.org/  → 決着せず…!  RFC3929: Alternative Decision Making Processes for Consensus-Blocked Decisions in the IETF で決着する案が出た  しかし…
  9. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    before IETF88  『コーデック戦争 (H.264 vs VP8) 終結か?』 (IETF 報告会85の私の報告より)  結果的に大嘘でした…  "Straw Poll on Video Codec Alternatives"  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Au 1skjUwD- 8EdE5NdGF2MFpEYWxpSGJiYmRSWW5uOWc
  10. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    from Peter Saint-Andre via IETF rtcweb Mailing List [Jan 29] ">If anyone has concerns about tabling this discussion until September >29, 2014 please let us know by February 4. I have concerns that September 2014 is too soon. It was relatively easy for the WG to choose two MTI audio codecs because Opus was a clear winner among modern codecs (and because we had an obvious fallback). We have no such codec in the video space. My suggestion is to wait until we have such a codec (and, in parallel within some other WG or initiative, push hard to make that happen), rather than continue the endless and fruitless wrangling over the current options."
  11. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    NETVC BoF  "The Internet needs a royalty-free (RF) video codec that can become the backbone for universal deployment of video related technologies."  "There are efforts underway by several groups to produce a next-generation, royalty-free (RF) video codec, including VP10 by Google and ​Daala by Mozilla/Xiph.Org."
  12. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    rtcweb Agenda(IETF91) IETF90 Agenda  Day 1:  ALPN (10) Martin  Stun Consent Freshness (10 min)  Security (to take early last call issues) (20 min)  JSEP ( 90 min )  Day 2:  RTP Usage (30 min)  Transport (20 min)  Overview (20 min)  Video (25 min)  Audio (15 min)  RMCAT Update - time permitting - ( 10 min ) IETF91 Agenda  Day 1:  JSEP (70 min)  Data Channel issues (15 min)  Terminology Review (Harald Alvestrand) (10 min)  draft-schwartz-rtcweb-return (10 min)  draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-gateways (10 min)  Day2 :  FEC (see draft-uberti-rtcweb-fec and draft-singh-payload-rtp-1d2d-parity- scheme”) (20 min)  MTI Video Codec (time depending)  All other Business (matters returning from session 1, IESG resolution, etc.)
  13. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    Proposed terminology (引用)  WebRTC browser - all requirements  WebRTC device - no JS API (controlled, thus trusted, “upper” surface)  WebRTC endpoint - browser or device  WebRTC compatible endpoint - relax net requirements  WebRTC gateway - what it says
  14. Copyright © 2004-2014 Lepidum Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. https://lepidum.co.jp/

    MTI Video Codec  "The Great Codec Compromise"  "Direction from chair - Stand if you are participating in the decision - A lot of people stood (most of the room)"  hums  ドキュメントに追記するべきか?  別のドキュメントに追加するべきか?  ⇒ ドキュメントに記載することに  個人的見解「WebRTC browser」にMTIとして二つの Codecを「妥協の為の」(スタートポイントとして)記 載する」