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Project management and Agile – Strategies and e...

Project management and Agile – Strategies and examples of enterprise-wide organization

Minoru Yokomichi
LINE Effective Team and Delivery Senior Manager

LINE DevDay 2019

November 21, 2019

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  1. 2019 DevDay Project Management and Agile – Strategies and Examples

    of Enterprise-Wide Organization > Minoru Yokomichi > LINE Effective Team and Delivery Senior Manager
  2. Who Am I ? Minoru Yokomichi > Senior Manager of

    “Effective Team and Delivery Department” Background > Engineer, Engineering Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, Scrum Master, Agile Coach > Organizer of "Product Manager Conference", “Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo", “Agile Leadership Summit", “ScrumMasters Night!”
  3. Effective Team and Delivery Department What Is “Effective Team and

    Delivery?” To make “Teams” and “Delivery Processes" more effective Delivery Management Team Effective Team and Delivery Department CTO Lean & Agile Team
  4. Delivery Management Team (DMT) Consist of Technical Project Managers (Do

    you feel it is like PMO?) Effective Team and Delivery Department CTO Lean & Agile Team Delivery Management Team
  5. > On the other hand, we also believe “Project Management”

    is important to successfully deliver products > TPMs install “Project Management” into projects and teams > To be extreme, we believe “Project Managers” are NOT necessary Technical Project Managers in DMT
  6. Major Components in Product Development Project Management Product Management Development

    Integration, Scope, Schedule, Risk, Communication Management, Etc. Market Research, Finding Opportunities, Product Defining, UX Designing, Etc. Engineering, Quality Assurance, Etc
  7. Project Management Product Management Development Product Manager Engineers / QAs

    Roles & Responsibilities Example TPM In LINE TPM In LINE
  8. Lean & Agile Team Consist Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches

    Delivery Management Team Effective Team and Delivery Department CTO Lean & Agile Team
  9. > On the other hand, we do stick to the

    values and principles of Agile
 “Individuals & interactions”, “Working software”, “Collaboration”, "Responding to change”, etc > We NEVER stick to the methodologies of Agile Agile Coach in LINE > “Don’t Just Do Agile, Be Agile
  10. Difference Between the Two Teams? Common Beliefs of the Two

    Teams > Both teams’ core focus is “to support LINERs solve their problems (especially related with teams and delivery processes) in order to delivery better products” Effective Team and Delivery Department CTO Difference Between the Two Teams > Only individual specialities (Project Management or Agile) Delivery Management Team Lean & Agile Team
  11. What We Do NOT Do > Act as an authority

    to provide what is right or wrong > Force standards to prevent employees’ creativity > Make boring reports What We Do > Support teams solve their problems as specialists > Provide training, toolkits and guides to encourage and support > Build a community to foster cross-learning culture
  12. Key Points > Not “Doing Agile”, But "Being Agile” >

    Not “Project Manager”, But “Project Management”
 > Not forcing, But supporting and enabling
  13. Major 3 Work Categories of our Department Providing Training /

    Guide / Toolkit Building 
 Cross-Learning Community Supporting Problem Solving 1: 3: 2:
  14. 1.Providing Training / Guide / Toolkit > Providing regular enterprise-wide

    training events and customized trainings for specific Projects and Teams. (Customized based on their needs and problems) > For raising the base-line for Project Management and Agile skills
  15. 2. Supporting Problem Solving > Ordinary process: Receive request ->

    Start from dialogue -> Visualize problems -> Experiment -> Repeat > Tackle specific problems and build a collection of examples with varying backgrounds > We do not have standard solutions to solve the problems.
 (We provide customized solutions using the strength and specialty of our members/professionals)
  16. 1.Training / Guide / Toolkit 3. Cross-LearningCommunity 3. Cross-Learning Community

    3. Cross-Learning Community Image of the 3 Work Categories 2. Problem Solving 2. Problem Solving 2. Problem Solving
  17. Executive / Senior Manager Manager Member Member Structure for

    / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Leader Member Member Front-End
 Engineers Server-Side
 Engineers QAs BEFORE THE TRANSITION (Image of Org Structure)
  18. Major Problem > Getting increased the dependency on managers/leaders because

    of organizational scaling up > Getting increased the lead time of the product delivery process
  19. Major Objective on Problem Resolving > Build a structure to

    respond organizational scale-up (reduce dependency on managers/leaders) > Reduce lead time of “From Concept to Cash” of the product and the organization
  20. Our Experiment > Transform to small cross-functional teams and delegate

    to the teams (self-organized) • To reduce lead time • To reduce dependency on managers and leaders
  21. Structure for
 Business / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development

 Engineers Server-Side
 Engineers QAs PO SM Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Leader Member Member Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Single Cross-Functional
 Small Team Executive / Senior Manager 1st EXPERIMENT (Image of Org Structure)
  22. Structure for
 Business / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development

 as a Servant Leader PO SM PO SM PO SM Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Manager
 as a Servant Leader Leader
 as a Servant Leader Cross-Functional
 Small Teams Executive / Senior Manager 2nd EXPERIMENT (Image of Org Structure)
  23. Structure for
 Business / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development

 as a PO Manager Member Member Manager Member Member Manager
 as a Servant Leader Manager
 as a Servant Leader Leader
 as a Servant Leader Executive / Senior Manager CURRENT EXPERIMENT (Image of Org Structure) Some Cross-Functional
 and Functional
 Small Teams PO SM PO SM PO SM Cross-Functional
 Small Teams
  24. Structure for
 Business / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development

 as a PO Manager
 as a Servant Leader Manager
 as a Servant Leader Leader
 as a Servant Leader Manager
 as a PO Manager
 as a PO Executive / Senior Managers
 as Chief PO Cross-Functional
 and Functional
 Small Teams NEXT EXPERIMENT (Image of Org Structure) PO SM PO SM PO SM Cross-Functional
 Small Teams
  25. Structure for
 Business / Product Planning Structure for
 Product Development

 as a PO Manager
 as a Servant Leader Manager
 as a Servant Leader Leader
 as a Servant Leader Manager
 as a PO Manager
 as a PO Executive / Senior Managers
 as Chief PO Cross-Functional
 and Functional
 Small Teams FUTURE EXPERIMENT (Image of Org Structure) PO SM PO SM PO SM Cross-Functional
 Small Teams ?
  26. What Did We Do on This Step? > Tried to

    provide a training about the values and principles of “Lean” and “Agile” (not about methodology) for managers and leaders
  27. Satisfaction Score (Net Promoter Score) 27% 73% 10~9 (Promoter) 8~7

    (Passives) 6~0 (Detractors) +73 (9.1/10) Lean & Agile Basic Training
  28. What Did We Do on This Step? > Provided the

    same training to make a common sense toward the principle and values of “Lean” and “Agile” with all roles (Managers, Product Managers, Developers, QAs) > Provided a training for managers and leaders about leadership (especially about servant leadership)
  29. 12% 47% 41% 10~9 (Promoter) 8~7 (Passives) 6~0 (Detractors) +29

    (8.2/10) 8% 38% 54% 10~9 (Promoter) 8~7 (Passives) 6~0 (Detractors) +46 (8.8/10) Lean & Agile Basic Training Leadership Training Satisfaction Score (Net Promoter Score)
  30. What Did We Do on This Step? > Provided a

    training about Scrum and supported to launch single cross-functional small team as Agile Coach > Supported to start “Regular Kaizen Meeting” with all developers and some product planning teams > Supported to create Kanban in some product planning teams
  31. What Did We Do on This Step? > Started to

    support to take place knowledge sharing events between teams (about Kanban, Retrospective, etc.) > Started to support Scrum Masters as a Scrum Master for Scrum Masters
  32. What Are We Doing on This Step? > Supporting to

    launch some non-development cross-functional small teams as Agile Coach > Planning to take a outsourcing PO training with whole team > Struggling with all members to make our organization better one!
  33. What Will We Do on This Step? > The only

    things that we can do is experimenting and learning from it
  34. Key Factors > Not forcing, But supporting and enabling •

    We fully respect everything they have done so far • We actively listen to them and talk as professionals • We never say you should do something. They decide.
  35. Global View [Japan]
 Effective Team and Delivery Project Management Roundtable

    TF PMEV (Global Community) Global PJM Training Working Group [Korea]
 Tech Project Management [Taiwan]
 Delivery Management Team [Thailand]
  36. Project Management / Agile Training Day Course examples: > Project

    Management Overview > Lean / Agile Overview > Project Visualization > Project/Product Health Check > Risk Management > Retrospective Practices > Scrum Training Etc. 1. Training
  37. Customized Training Course examples: > Leadership Training > Learning from

    Scrum > Scrum Training for Practitioners > How to work with outsourcing company Etc. 1. Training
  38. Team Building Support Activity examples: > Games to get to

    know each other > Games to build phycological safety > Games to deepen mutual understanding within teams Etc. 2. Problem Solving Support
  39. Kaizen Discussion Support 2. Problem Solving Support Activity examples: >

    Facilitating Open Space Technology > Facilitating Project Retrospective > Facilitation Regular Kaizen Meeting > Providing step-by-step guides for Kaizen Meeting Etc
  40. Product Team Alignment Making Agile Inception Deck Support teams to

    create their inception deck in order to clarify their vision Making Roadmap Support teams to create and maintain their roadmap 2. Problem Solving Support
  41. Agile Practice Adaption Scrum / LeSS Adaption Support teams to

    adapt Scrum and LeSS Kanban Adaption Support teams to make their Kanban and Value Stream Map 2. Problem Solving Support
  42. Management Support Delegation Workshop Create an environment where senior manger

    can discuss work & delegation with team members. Getting To Know Each Other With Senior Manger & Managers Create an environment where senior manager and managers can talk about their own personal values and motivators. 2. Problem Solving Support
  43. In-House Community Activity In-House Kanban Tour Go and see Kanban

    at other teams Open Remote Lunch Make an environment to share their experiences and examples with multiple locations 3. Cross-LearningCommunity
  44. Vision/Mission/Strategy Workshop Confirm and refine our own vision and mission.

    Plan and visualize our own strategies once a quarter.
  45. The TPM Manifesto TMPs in Korea defined a TPM manifesto

    as the way of working, motivation, and core values of TPM The TMP manifesto is the their belief such as LINE TPMs give more value to solving problems, project orchestration, providing leadership in a growth mindset, and etc.
  46. Know Each Other Have dialogues within team using self- assessment

    tools and games (16 Personalities, Moving Motivators form Management 3.0, Strength Finder®, wevox values card) Dialogue Using Self-Assessment Tools
  47. Using Scrum for our Own Work We use Scrum for

    our own work and encourage to do Pair work or Mob work as an Agile Organization.
  48. Learning Session We have weekly “Learning Session” to obtain knowledge

    in the teams while maintaining our “Learning Backlog”. We make a good cycle of “obtaining knowledge” -> “practice in our work” -> “Repeat”
  49. Other Communication Tips For raising communication within remote team, we

    do remote lunch once a bi- weekly. Remote Lunch For Raising Communication Between Members, We Do Peer 1on1s and Buddy Meeting. Peer 1on1 / Buddy