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Build LINE Bot with Go

Build LINE Bot with Go

Build your LINE Bot with Go by Evan Lin on DSC x GDE on 2020/05/07. Video on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60icDO767G8

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  1. Agenda •Who am I? Why I learn Go? •What is

    Go? •Using Golang to build LINE Bot •How I became GDE? •LINE TECH FRESH •Q&A
  2. Evan Lin • Google Developer Expert • LINE Developer Meetup

    • LINE TAIWAN TECHPULSE Organizer LINE Technology Evangelist
  3. What is Go • Create by Google • Design by

    • Ken Thompson • Rob Pike • Robert Griesemer • Feature: • Compiled • Statically Typed • Garbage Collection
  4.    ? • Forget import package • 

    • if else  • Indent • Demo: https://play.golang.org/p/DD0r3d25E4C
  5. Create LINE Bot within 5 mins •Request channel for LINE

    Bot •Deploy LINE Bot server on Heroku •Change related setting on Channel •Go ! Online (video) •How to modify it? (video)
  6. How I became Go GDE l learn Go • Blog

    post (weekly) • Write everything with Go • SHARE! SHARE! SHARE!! With everyone
  7. How to write more blog posts • Start from learning

    note. • TIL (Today I learn) is the best practice. • Writing is the best way to learn deeper.
  8. Learn new Go features • Learn new features using `go

    get` • Learn from document • Write related into your language TIL.
  9. Q&A