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プロダクションで使うGo Pluginの利便性とパフォーマンス性 / Simplicity a...

December 02, 2023

プロダクションで使うGo Pluginの利便性とパフォーマンス性 / Simplicity and Performance of Go plugin for Production

Dec 2, 2023, Go Conference mini Winter in Kyotoでの発表資料です。


December 02, 2023

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  1. Outline 1 . Computing Plugin 2 . Go Plugin Mechanism

    3 . Plugin Mechanism 4 . Plugin Mechanism Benchmark 比 5 . Conclusion 🙏 方
  2. Plugin 手 Shared Library 用 https://pkg.go.dev/plugin 用 API 用 https://github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin

    HashiCorp Products 十 Host Plugin GRPC CLI 用 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl git-style
  3. Plugin Mechanism 比 ⾒ ** ** Performance Maintainability Deployability Reliability

    Scalability Security Shared Library 👍 👍 👍 ⏳ ⏳ ⏳ API ⏳ ⏳ ⏳ 👍 👍 👍 CLI ⏳ 👍 👍 👍 ⏳ ⏳
  4. Shared Library 力 見 Multi-Tenancy 自 自 用 自 Performance

    Maintainability Deployability Reliability Scalability Security Shared Library 👍 👍 👍 ⏳ ⏳ ⏳
  5. " " What About Shared Libraries? When we started using

    plugins (late 2 0 1 2 , early 2 0 1 3 ), plugins over RPC were the only option since Go didn't support dynamic library loading. Today, Go supports the plugin standard library with a number of limitations. Since 2 0 1 2 , our plugin system has stabilized from tens of millions of users using it, and has many benefits we've come to value greatly.For example, we use this plugin system in Vault where dynamic library loading is not acceptable for security reasons. That is an extreme example, but we believe our library system has more upsides than downsides over dynamic library loading and since we've had it built and tested for years, we'll continue to use it.Shared libraries have one major advantage over our system which is much higher performance. In real world scenarios across our various tools, we've never required any more performance out of our plugin system and it has seen very high throughput, so this isn't a concern for us at the moment. https://github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin#what-about-shared-libraries
  6. Plugin Mechanism 比 高 Performance Maintainability Deployability Reliability Scalability Security

    Shared Library 👍 👍 👍 ⏳ ⏳ ⏳ API ⏳ ⏳ ⏳ 👍 👍 👍 CLI ⏳ 👍 👍 👍 ⏳ ⏳ ❌ ❌
  7. " " Warnings The ability to dynamically load parts of

    an application during execution, perhaps based on user-defined configuration, may be a useful building block in some designs. In particular, because applications and dynamically loaded functions can share data structures directly, plugins may enable very high- performance integration of separate parts. However, the plugin mechanism has many significant drawbacks that should be considered carefully during the design. For example: … . Ref: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/ 5 68 93 https://pkg.go.dev/plugin#hdr-Warnings
  8. WASM Plugin Mechanism https://github.com/knqyf 2 6 3 /go-plugin @knqyf 2

    6 3 手 HashiCorp go-plugin GRPC README 見 `It uses the same de fi nition as gRPC, but go-plugin communicates with plugins in memory, not over RPC.` WASM Sandbox Secure by Default ⾒