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Securing your code when you don't even know whe...

Securing your code when you don't even know where it's running

Being Cloud Native - using containers, microservices & orchestration - gives you opportunities to improve your deployment security. Leverage automation for continuous security.

Liz Rice

March 22, 2018

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  1. Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

    Securing your code when you don’t even know where it is Liz Rice @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam
  2. 10 @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam Security is a concern when deploying

    containers 88% agree Sonatype 2017 DevSecOps Survey
  3. 12 @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam /bin /lib /usr /opt /var /bin

    /lib /usr /var /bin /opt /usr /var Dependencies in every container
  4. 15 @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam Pipeline process Create software Build images

    Deploy Immutable Never modify Always move in this direction
  5. 23 @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam Reducing image size ▪ Few tools

    needed in containers ▪ Smaller attack surface FROM scratch EXPOSE 8080 COPY hello / COPY templates templates CMD ["/hello"]
  6. 28 @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam Container security advantages ▪ Decomposition of

    the problem ▪ Additional layers of defence ▪ Continuous deployment ▪ Shorter attack window ▪ Community best practices ▪ Dedicated container security tools
  7. Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

    Container security in the Enterprise: aquasec.com/survey Kubernetes CIS tests: github.com/aquasecurity/kube-bench @LizRice | @AquaSecTeam