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Web Frontend, API Backend

Web Frontend, API Backend

Talk about how to build PHP websites in two modular sections, including advice on API design and OAuth2

Lorna Mitchell

October 03, 2014

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  1. Slim Framework http://www.slimframework.com/ • modern microframework • offers routing out

    of the box • lightweight • extensible • actively developed and well supported
  2. API Endpoints Our API will have two endpoints initially: •

    a list of events /events • an individual event /events/42 Using Slim Framework, let's put those in place
  3. Events List Controller Slim registers a callback per route 24

    $app->get('/events', function () use ($app) { 25 $db = $app->config('container')['db']; 26 $data = array(); 27 28 $model = new EventModel($db); 29 $data['events'] = $model->getSomeEvents(); 30 31 $app->render("foo.php", array("mydata" => $data)); 32 }); 33
  4. Events List Model 1 public function getSomeEvents() { 2 //

    get all future events 3 $sql = "select ID, event_name, event_loc, event_des 4 . "from events " 5 . "where event_start > :start " 6 . "order by event_start " 7 . "limit 10"; 8 9 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); 10 $stmt->execute(array("start" => mktime(0,0,0))); 11 $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 12 return $results; 13 } 14
  5. Output Handler 1 <?php 2 3 class View extends \Slim\View

    { 4 public function render($template) { 5 $app = \Slim\Slim::getInstance(); 6 $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 7 'application/json'); 8 return json_encode($this->data['mydata']); 9 } 10 }
  6. Fetching the Events List GET http://localhost:8880/events { "events": [ {

    "ID": "44", "event_desc": "Praesent rutrum orci eget ipsum ornare et consequat neque egestas. Praesent rutru "event_loc": "Bridgeport", "event_name": "CentOS day" }, { "ID": "6", "event_desc": "Vivamus gravida, dolor ut porta bibendum, mauris ligula condimentum est, id facil "event_loc": "Nectar", "event_name": "Ruby day" }, { "ID": "48", "event_desc": "Etiam ligula elit, condimentum lacinia fermentum nec, elementum id urna. Praesent "event_loc": "New Hope", "event_name": "IT meetup" }, ...
  7. Frontend Building Blocks This project is quick-started with: • Slim

    Framework again http://www.slimframework.com • Guzzle http://guzzlephp.org • PureCSS http://purecss.io/ (including their sample layout) • Brightened up with a little something from https://en.gravatar.com/
  8. Events List Controller Slim registers a callback per route 16

    $app->get('/', function () use ($app) { 17 $client = new ApiClient(new GuzzleHttp\Client()); 18 $events = $client->getEventList(); 19 $app->render("index.php", array("events" => $events)); 20 }); 21
  9. Api Client 4 class ApiClient { 5 protected $client; 6

    7 public function __construct(GuzzleHttp\Client $client) 8 $this->client = $client; 9 } 10 11 public function getEventList() { 12 // todo make this URL configurable 13 $response = $this->client->get( 14 "http://localhost:8880/events"); 15 return $response->json(); 16 } 17
  10. Template 34 <?php foreach($events['events'] as $event): ?> 35 <section class="post">

    36 <header class="post-header"> 37 <h2 class="post-title"><?=$event['event_name']?></h2> 38 <img class="post-avatar" alt="avatar" height="48" width 39 src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/<?=md5($event['ID 40 <p class="post-meta"> 41 More details: <a class="post-author" 42 href="/showEvent/<?=$event['ID']?>">click here</a 43 </p> 44 </header> 45 </section> 46 <?php endforeach; //events ?> 47
  11. The Gravatar Code Again To get one of those pattern

    things, the URL is: http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/[hash] ?d=identicon
  12. Additional Considerations • identifying consumers • logging users in •

    picking a data format • documentation and testing
  13. Identifying Consumers How open should your API be? Identify consumers

    to: • control access to resources • enable rate-limiting • track how the API is being used
  14. How To Identify Consumers 1. give them an API key

    2. check the API key on all requests
  15. How OAuth Works Consumer sends Authorization Grant to server. (Full

    details at http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749) Server supplies an access token in response
  16. OAuth2 Authorization Grants Authorization Code For untrusted clients; send user

    to website to log in, return an auth code Implicit Give the client an access token instead of an API key Client Credentials Use your own credentials as an access token Resource Owner Password Credentials Client exchanges user creds for an access token and only stores that
  17. Authorizations Endpoint 48 $app->post('/authorizations', function () use ($app) { 49

    $db = $app->config('container')['db']; 50 $data = array(); 51 52 // horribly assuming JSON. Real code checks first 53 $in = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), tru 54 55 $model = new AuthModel($db); 56 $data['access_token'] = $model->getAccessTokenFromCreds 57 $in['consumer'], $in['username'], $in['password']); 58 $app->render("foo.php", array("mydata" => $data)); 59 }); 60
  18. Making the Access Token 11 public function getAccessTokenFromCreds( 12 $consumer,

    $username, $password) { 13 14 $sql = "select ID, username, password from user " 15 . "where username = :username " 16 . "and password = :password "; 17 18 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($sql); 19 $stmt->execute(array("username" => $username, 20 "password" => md5($password))); 21 $user_info = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 22
  19. Making the Access Token 25 $token_sql = "insert into oauth_access_tokens

    " 26 . "set consumer_key = :consumer, " 27 . "user_id = :user_id, " 28 . "access_token = :token "; 29 30 // get random number and hash it for token 31 $token = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16)); 32 $token_stmt = $this->db->prepare($token_sql); 33 $token_stmt->execute(array( 34 "user_id" => $user_info['ID'], 35 "consumer" = $consumer, "token" => $token)); 36 return $token; 37 } 38
  20. Data Formats • JSON or XML? • use Content-Type to

    specify which • be specific by using "Media Types"
  21. Media Types Take the Content-Type header to the next level!

    Consider these: • application/json • application/vnd.github+json • application/vnd.github.v3+json https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type
  22. Hypermedia • add links to related resources • for bonus

    points, use a standard like HAL { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/things/42" }, "messages": {"href": "/things/42/messages" }, "user": { "href": "/users/123" } } } http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html
  23. Documentation Lots of options: • old-fashioned, write words and copy/paste

    examples • static plus something like http://hurl.it • interactive docs: try https://github.com/mashery/iodocs • http://apiary.io/ produces a mock API, then verifies your real one
  24. Questions? While this slide is up, there may be interest

    in: • feedback http://m.joind.in/talk/014f7 (from http://oreilly.com) • my blog: http://lornajane.net • joind.in itself http://m.joind.in/about