Reframing Web Design - The Process of Theatre Design
The slides from my 5 minute talk at Milton Keynes Geek Night #mkgn, where I talked about the process of designing for theatre, and how this could inform our process as web designers. Full writeup of the talk to come, which I'll link to from here.
EXIT JEAN-PAUL SARTRE DRAMAC 001 DIR. Luke Murphy Lighthouse Theatre TD. Rob Wilkinson DATE SCALE SET # PLATE # 10º angle 1000~ 700 900 500 200 250 250 200 (bolt to the floor) Verner Panton Chairs Burgundy Fireplace Bacon Paintings Bacon Paintings C C C P P P Top Front Side (SR)
web. We are the makers, the explorers, the end users. Let's be smart about our decisions and directions, and let's stand on the shoulders of those who came before us or who work alongside us to shape a discipline that helps us all work with FRQˋGHQFHLQWHOOLJHQWH[SHULPHQWDWLRQ and, at times, even brilliance.