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KubeCon CNCon OSSummit 2019 Recap

July 05, 2019

KubeCon CNCon OSSummit 2019 Recap

KubeCon CNCon OSSummit Recap at Docker Meetup Tokyo #31


July 05, 2019

More Decks by makocchi

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  1. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 2 Makoto Hasegawa

    Working at // Adtech Division, CyberAgent, Inc Currently // Develop and maintain private OpenStack cloud. Develop and maintain Kubernetes as a Service platform. CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) CKA-1700-0150-0100 CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developper) CKAD-1800-0005-0100 Job Title // Technical Lead Infrastructure Engineer WHO am I Twitter // @makocchi Facebook // makocchi0923 Hobby // Playing bass
  2. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 3 TODAY’S AGENDA

    Recap by Photographs Replay Lightning Talk 「Cluster of Palm-Sized Personal Kubernetes Clusters Using 100 Raspberry Pi 」 Impressive Breakout Sessions
  3. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 6 「Keep Cloud

    Native 酷」 In Japanese, 酷 means .. ひどい。きびしい。きつい。 はなはだしい。むごい。無慈悲な。 In Chinese, 酷 means .. “Cool”
  4. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 12 Recap by

    Photographs Keynote (Linus Torvalds)
  5. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 13 Recap by

    Photographs Current Contributor Summit
  6. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 14 Recap by

    Photographs Current Contributor Summit
  7. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 15 Recap by

    Photographs The “HELL” at lunch time
  8. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 18 Replay Lightning

    Talk 「Cluster of Palm-Sized Personal Kubernetes Clusters Using 100 Raspberry Pi 」
  9. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 22 7 Missing

    Factors for Your Production-Quality 12-Factor Apps Michael Elder & Shikha Srivastava, IBM https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/kccncosschn19eng/51/ KubeCon_China_2019_7%20Missing%20Factors%20for%20Your%20Production-Quality%2012- Factor%20Apps.pdf
  10. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 24 7 Missing

    Factors for Your Production-Quality 12-Factor Apps
  11. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 25 13: Observable

    Apps should provide visibility about current health and metrics 14: Schedulable Apps should provide guidance on expected resource constraints 17: Auditable Apps should provide appropriate audit logs for compliance needs 15: Upgradable Apps must upgrade data formats from prior generations 18: Access Control Protect app and resources from the world 16: Least Priviledged Apps should provide guidance on expected resource constraints 7 Missing Factors for Your Production-Quality 12-Factor Apps 19: Measurable Apps usage should be measurable for quota or chargebacks
  12. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 26 Anatomy of

    the Linux Kernel Tanish Shinde, Cypher Project https://static.sched.com/hosted_files/kccncosschn19eng/bf/TheAnatomyOfTheLinuxKernelFinalPresentation.pdf
  13. Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Presented by @makocchi 30 KubeCon CloudNativeCon

    OSSummit China 2019 Docker Meetup Tokyo #31 Thank You For Your kind Attention