Working at // Adtech Division, CyberAgent, Inc Currently // Develop and maintain private OpenStack cloud. Develop and maintain Kubernetes as a Service platform. CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrator) CKA-1700-0150-0100 CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developper) CKAD-1800-0005-0100 Job Title // Technical Lead Infrastructure Engineer WHO am I Twitter // @makocchi Facebook // makocchi0923 Hobby // Playing bass
Factors for Your Production-Quality 12-Factor Apps Michael Elder & Shikha Srivastava, IBM KubeCon_China_2019_7%20Missing%20Factors%20for%20Your%20Production-Quality%2012- Factor%20Apps.pdf
Apps should provide visibility about current health and metrics 14: Schedulable Apps should provide guidance on expected resource constraints 17: Auditable Apps should provide appropriate audit logs for compliance needs 15: Upgradable Apps must upgrade data formats from prior generations 18: Access Control Protect app and resources from the world 16: Least Priviledged Apps should provide guidance on expected resource constraints 7 Missing Factors for Your Production-Quality 12-Factor Apps 19: Measurable Apps usage should be measurable for quota or chargebacks
the Linux Kernel Tanish Shinde, Cypher Project