web page in a web browser. Instead, the user experience is still expressed in HTML and executed with JavaScript but you might just visit a web page once to build a long term relationship with it. You might never actually ever visit the site directly.”
users are spending more time on mobile devices, and more time in apps instead of web browsers. “ - Chris Dixon Chris Dixon @ cdixon https://medium.com/@cdixon/the-internet-economy-fc43f3eff58a#.ovhycqz85
care of almost everything we want to accomplish. “ - Hugh Durkin Hugh Durkin @ Intercom https://medium.com/swlh/browsers-not-apps-are-the-future-of-mobile-c552752ff75#.38cfluxry
in the new wave of mobile browsers — messengers.. “ - Hugh Durkin Hugh Durkin @ Intercom https://medium.com/swlh/browsers-not-apps-are-the-future-of-mobile-c552752ff75#.38cfluxry
Helen, "But AMP loads super, super quickly and is simply a better experience right now. “ - Helen Havlak Helen Havlak @ The Verge http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/6/13188306/refreshing-the-verge-facebook-video-google-amp-future-of-the-web
be big enough for Facebook and AMP. “ - Helen Havlak http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/6/13188306/refreshing-the-verge-facebook-video-google-amp-future-of-the-web
Fronteers https://speakerdeck.com/stopsatgreen/surveying-the-landscape-fronteers Paul Kinlan - The Headless web https://medium.com/dev-channel/the-headless-web-de81ab21651f#.ltjn0vs7f Chase Bukley - The Future draw closer - 9 Prohpecies for 2019 https://medium.com/@ChaseBuckleyUX/the-future-draws-closer-9-design-prophecies-for-2 019-419e1b7f6681#.c125u6n32 Chris Dixon - The Internet Economy https://medium.com/@cdixon/the-internet-economy-fc43f3eff58a#.g5ue849b2 Thanks to Peter Gasston @stopatgreen for his opinionated vision of the future of the web, Andrew Clarke ‘s talk at Frontend Zurich @markeley, talk about visual identity at Frontend in Zürich and Teenah+Lax for sharing their story on the web.