of on a picture of the website” About designing a website in Photoshop. Hear what Brad Frost says in this interview with Treehouse (from 0.38 to 0.55” small part of the interview) http://youtu.be/5J7mq0ogwBI
world of theatre.”.... Luke Murphy- Wearmouth sees a lot of parallels with theatre production. Reframing the Web http://lanyrd.com/2014/fowd/scwxrt/ new canvas?
….we can create non-linear narratives that exist as the perfect storytelling format for the web..... …we have the digital tools at our fingertips…. Senongo. http://lanyrd.com/2014/future-of-web-design-nyc/sdbwry/ http://senongo.net new canvas?
in a vacuum. They exist in relation to the content. We never start with a grid. We start with an idea which is then translated into a form, a structure.
! can easily present information coming from many sources ! can support personalization of content and provide a unique experience to everyone. Paul Adams #FOWD April 2014 London
destinations, towards completely personalised experiences built on an aggregation of many individual pieces of content. So ... stuff/ data from other sources is uploaded and displayed on our website
√ can easily present information coming from many sources √ can support personalization of content and provide a unique experience to everyone. Paul Adams #FOWD April 2014 London
Adams @padday Paul Boag @boagworld Harry Roberts @csswizzardry Luke Murphy- Wearmout @lurkmoophy Rachel Nabors @rachelnabors more about cards: http://insideintercom.io/why-cards-are-the-future-of- the-web
Murphy- Wearmout on reframing the web: http://lanyrd.com/2014/fowd/scwxrt/ Rachel Nabors article: http://alistapart.com/article/web-animation-at-work more about cards: http://insideintercom.io/why-cards-are-the-future-of- the-web