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Design through emotion - Visual experience of t...

Design through emotion - Visual experience of today's webdesign

A presentation made at www2012 in Lyon on April 20th by Marie-Cécile Paccard

Marie-Cécile Godwin

April 23, 2012

More Decks by Marie-Cécile Godwin

Other Decks in Design


  1. Design Emotion & Visual experience of today’s webdesign With Marie-Cécile

    Paccard! Salon du Numérique – www2012! April 20th 2012!
  2. digital design, web & social media www.mcpaccard.com Born in 1981,

    speaks english, french and LOLspeak 6 years experienced web and digital pro designer, Twitter addict
  3. Gustav Klimt – Adele Bloch-Bauerʼs portrait! Leonard de Vinci –

    La Joconde! Source: Wikimedia Commons ! ! ➼ This is art.
  4. The Internets are full of constraints! Screen resolutions Platforms, CMS

    Client needs Business specific constraints Accessibility and disabilities usability Users skills Technical stuff Flash (brrr…) Browsers (F**K IE!)
  5. Mies Van Der Rohe Architect, 1886 - 1969 ➼ LESS IS

    MORE. Photo: Chicago History Museum
 HB-8506-K4, Hedrich Blessing (detail)! !
  6. Mies Van Der Rohe Architect, 1886 - 1969 ➼ God is

    in the details. Photo: Chicago History Museum
 HB-8506-K4, Hedrich Blessing (detail)! !
  7. Louis Sullivan Architect, 1856 - 1924 ➼ Form follows function. Photos:

    Chicago History Museum
 HB-8506-K4, Hedrich Blessing (detail)! ! Photo: Wikimedia Commons! !
  8. ➼ Yesterday was flat. ➼ Yesterday was floating. ➼ Yesterday had no grid.

    ➼ Yesterday was color-barfing. ➼ Yesterday had no images. ➼ Yesterday. MEH.
  9. Emotion = ENGAGEMENT Nothing makes you engage more than a

    cute cat. <3 Kitty pic by Sarah Williams - SXC!
  10. ! ➼  Webdesign should be the perfect mix between engineering

    and creativity.! ➼  Ideas and statements from the past are still valuable :! ➼ ! Less is more! ➼ ! God is in the details! ➼ ! Form follows function! ➼  Users canʼt look at everything at the same time.! ➼  Volume and texture tend to engage your audience.! ➼  Fashion is a perpetual clock.! ➼  There is a full universe above the fold.! ➼  People love electronic devices, yet they like them to look like real things.!