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Is this Rails model?

Is this Rails model?


November 12, 2016

More Decks by MOROHASHI Kyosuke

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ‣ 10೥ઓ͖ͬͯͨRubyͱRails͸ɺWebαʔϏεͷ
 Ձ஋ΛϢʔβʔʹಧ͚ΔϨʔϧʹͳ͍ͬͯΔ ‣ ϒϥ΢β޲͚: HTML, JS & CSS ‣

    ΞϓϦ޲͚: JSON over HTTP ‣ ֤छσʔλετΞͷಡΈॻ͖ Why: ͜ͷ࿩͕Ͳ͏໾ʹཱͪͦ͏͔ 
  2. ‣ “Sustainable productivity for web-application development. ” ‣ 5෼ͰϒϩάΛ࡞Δ ‣

    Opinionated framework: ओு͕ڧ͍ ‣ MVC, DRY… Rails was coming : 2004-2007 
  3. ‣ At the heart of MVC (sniff) is what I

    call Separated Presentation. ‣ In MVC, the domain element is referred to as the model. Model objects are completely ignorant of the UI. ‣ http://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/uiArchs.html MVC 
  4. me @ 2004 - 2007  ‣ Railsษڧձ@౦ژ ‣ લ৬

    ESMʹస৬ ‣ ࢓ࣄͰRailsΛ࢖͍࢝ΊΔ ‣ RSpec΋
  5. ‣ 2013-06: Rails 4.0 ‣ Bundler, StrongParameters, Better ActiveModel ‣

    2016-08: Rails 5.0 ‣ ActiveJob, RailsAPI… 
  6. ‣ ෳ਺ςʔϒϧͷૢ࡞ͦΕࣗମΛΦϒδΣΫτͱͯ͠ நग़͢Δɻ ‣ ͋Δը໘͔ΒͷΈ࢖͏ϩδοΫΛɺڞ༗͞ΕΔAR Ϟσϧ͔Β෼཭ͤ͞Δɻ ‣ cf: DCIͷӨڹ ‣

    http://magazine.rubyist.net/?0041-RailsTheBadParts#l9 Interaction Object, Operation Object or Service Layer 
  7. ‣ ඇಉظ ‣ ෳ਺DB (ਨ௚෼ׂ, ਫฏ෼ׂ, RW-Spliting, NoSQL) ‣ APIܦ༝ͷଞγεςϜ࿈ܞ

    ‣ JavaScriptͷ·͢·͢ͷߴ౓Խ ‣ WebSocket … More & more new challengers! 
  8. ‣ Fat C ΑΓ͸Ϛγ͕ͩ Fat M ΋ͭΒ͍ɻ ‣ AR͚͕ͩϞσϧ͡Όͳ͍ɻ ‣

    VO΍ServiceLayer΋MVCͰ͍͏ϞσϧͷҰछ ‣ ઐ༻ͷσΟϨΫτϦ΄ͬͯ΋͍͍ ‣ Railsͷ্ͰͩͬͯOOPͰ͖Δ! ΦϨλνͷFatModelͱͷઓ͍͸͜Ε͔Βͩ