このLTでは、「技術は十分条件、信頼は必要条件」 というテーマのもと、未経験からエンジニア・PMとして成長する中で気づいた 「本当に仕事を任される人の条件」 についてお話しします。
“Having technical skills alone doesn’t guarantee trust.”
In this LT, under the theme “Technical skills are sufficient conditions, but trust is a necessary condition,” I will share insights from my journey as an engineer and project manager, highlighting what truly makes someone reliable and entrusted with work.
By focusing on small but crucial actions—such as clear communication, meeting deadlines, and using respectful language in professional settings—I will explain how building trust leads to long-term success.
I hope this talk encourages you to rethink the balance between honing technical skills and earning trust in your career!