このLTでは、エンジニアとしてキャリアをスタートした私が、なぜPMへ転向したのか についてお話します。
さらに今後は 「プロジェクト単位」ではなく、「組織全体をつなぐゼネラルマネージャー」 としての挑戦も視野に入れています。
“PM Genesis: Awakening from Development to Connecting People”
In this LT, I will share my journey from starting as an engineer to transitioning into a PM (Project Manager).
I realized that connecting teams and streamlining projects was more exciting than just honing my technical skills.
I wanted to go beyond development and take a role in making projects run smoothly.
Now, I am expanding my scope further—not just connecting teams at the project level, but also aiming to build a stronger organization as a General Manager.
Through this LT, I hope to provide a new perspective for those considering a transition from engineering to PM, or for anyone interested in improving teamwork and project management.