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The Art of Early Civilizations: The Near East a...

March 08, 2012

The Art of Early Civilizations: The Near East and Egypt

Lecture given Tuesday March 6, 2012


March 08, 2012

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  1. !"#$%&'$()$*+&,-$./0/,/1+2(345$$ !"#$6#+&$*+4'$+37$*8-9'$ !"#$%&'( )*+,*-.5$ $ !#&'"( :;;;<=;;;$>.*$ /",0%12%34(56-"*%#&4(/",7 56-"*%#&4(80$(9%&'$,-(:;'<=1>( $

    ?"*-.@A,&3"=1.( 6#(,/'"/?@$0(20#@$"/#&+2?$4?+,#@$ A-&+B/7@$C'#9<A-&+B/7@$D+4'+E+@$ E+@$4#&7+E@$F3/G?+2(3$()$F99#&$ +37$,(H#&$*8-9'@$,('F4@$9+9-&F4@$$ 9"<(B,&6-"&1.$ !  6+33+$I/88F&+'@$J&FK@$L&+M@$ 6#(<CFB#&/+3@$=N;;<=;O;$ >.*P$ !  A+,#Q#$()$6+&B#&@$*+&,-$ R-3+42?@$=SO;$>.*P$ !  A-&+B/74$()$T"F)F@$T"+)&#$+37$ D#3K+F&#@$+'$U/1+@$V,7$ T/387(B@$=OWO<=XO;$>.*$ !  .F,'$C'+'F#$()$T"+)&#@$V,7$ T/387(B@$=O=;<=XYO$>.*$ !  .F,'$C'+'F#$()$T"+)&#@$V,7$ T/387(B@$=O=;<=XYO$>.*$
  2. Reconstruction drawing of Çatalhöyük, with tending of goats. Schematic reconstruction

    drawing of a section of Level VI. Çatalhöyük (Turkey). c.6000-5000 BCE.
  3. Reconstruction drawing of a house in Çatalhöyük. c.7400-6200 BCE. (illustrated

    on Stokstad page 15) ^(F4#@$_+'+,"`-aK@$!F&K#-@$?P$WX;;<Y=;;P$
  4. Landscape with volcanic eruption (?), from copy of wall painting

    at Çatalhöyük. c.6150 BCE. View of Mt. Hasan (Hasan Da!), Turkey.