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Lazy Objects in PHP and Symfony

Lazy Objects in PHP and Symfony

Nicolas Grekas

August 29, 2024

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  1. Lazy Loading Can save time and memory Perfect for short-lived

    requests Allows creating circular object graphs (Provides resetting for free)
  2. The 4 kinds of Lazy Loading • Lazy Initialization •

    Value holders • Virtual proxies • Ghost objects
  3. class ClosureHolder { public function __construct( private Closure|string $value )

    { } public function getValue(): string { if ($this->value instanceof Closure) { $this->value = ($this->value)(); } return $this->value; }
  4. class LocatorHolder { public function __construct( #[AutowireLocator('workflow', 'name')] private ContainerInterface

    $workflows ) { } public function getWorkflow(string $name) { return $this->workflows->get($name); }
  5. class IterableHolder { public function __construct( #[AutowireIterator('workflow')] private iterable $workflows

    ) { } public function getWorkflows(): Generator { foreach ($this->workflows as $workflow) { yield $workflow; } }
  6. Virtual Proxies An object with the same interface as the

    real object The real object is created just-in-time
  7. class VirtualChildEntityManager extends EntityManager { private parent $em; private bool

    $isInitialized = false; public function __construct( private Closure $initializer ) { } public function find(string $class, $id) { if (!$this->isInitialized) { ($this->initializer)($this); } return $this->em->find($class, $id); }
  8. class VirtualProxyEntityManager implements EntityManagerInterface { private EntityManagerInterface $em; private bool

    $isInitialized = false; public function __construct( private Closure $initializer ) { } public function find(string $class, $id) { if (!$this->isInitialized) { ($this->initializer)($this); } return $this->em->find($class, $id); }
  9. Virtual Proxies Neither the consumers nor the real object are

    laziness-aware Do work with final classes Can cause identity issues aka break fluent/wither APIs
  10. Ghost Objects The real object without any data The first

    time any methods are called, the ghost populates its state
  11. class GhostEntityManager extends EntityManager { public function __construct( private Closure

    $initializer ) { unset(/* all properties defined by the parent */); } public function __get($name) { // initialize all parent properties } // ...
  12. namespace Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity; use Doctrine\Persistence\Proxy; /** * DO NOT EDIT THIS

    FILE - IT WAS CREATED BY DOCTRINE'S PROXY GENERATOR */ class Conference extends \App\Entity\Conference implements Proxy { use \Symfony\Component\VarExporter\LazyGhostTrait
  13. Ghost Objects Neither the consumers nor the real object are

    laziness-aware Don't work with final classes Work with final methods Don't cause identity issues aka work with fluent/wither APIs
  14. class VirtualEntityManager extends EntityManager { private parent $em; public function

    __construct( private Closure $initializer ) { unset(/* all properties defined by the parent */); } public function __get($name) { $this->em ??= ($this->initializer)($this); return $this->em->$name; }
  15. Virtual State Proxies Neither the consumers nor the real object

    are laziness-aware Don't work with final classes Work with final methods Don't cause identity issues aka work with fluent/wither APIs
  16. class ReflectionClass { [...] public int const SKIP_INITIALIZATION_ON_SERIALIZE = 1;

    public int const SKIP_DESTRUCTOR = 2; public function newLazyGhost(callable $initializer, int $options = 0): object; public function newLazyProxy(callable $factory, int $options = 0): object; public function resetAsLazyGhost(object $object, callable $initializer, int $options = 0): void; public function resetAsLazyProxy(object $object, callable $factory, int $options = 0): void; public function isUninitializedLazyObject(object $instance): bool; [...]
  17. class ReflectionClass { [...] /** * Initializes a lazy object

    (no-op if the object is already initialized.) * * The backing object is returned, which can be another instance than the lazy object when the virtual strategy is used. */ public function initializeLazyObject(object $object): object; public function isUninitializedLazyObject(object $object): object; public function markLazyObjectAsInitialized(object $object): void; public function getLazyInitializer(object $object): ?callable; }
  18. class ReflectionProperty { [...] /** * Marks a property as

    *not* triggering initialization when being accessed. */ public function skipLazyInitialization(object $object): void; /** * Sets a property *without* triggering initialization while skipping hooks if any. */ public function setRawValueWithoutLazyInitialization(object $object, mixed $value): void; }
  19. Native Lazy Objects Neither the consumers nor the real object

    are laziness-aware Do work with final classes Does works with fluent/wither APIs Stellar performance