Frontend. How the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by:
Frontend. How the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by: SQLite CouchDB thin unicorn HTML CSS jQuery Ruby PHP Rails Symfony
Frontend. How the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by: MySQL PostgreSQL PHP Matlab
Lift web framework using jetty for a web server. We front everything with nginx, and use HAProxy in between. MongoDB handles most of our data storage needs (though a bit hasn’t been migrated off PostgreSQL yet).
Frontend. How the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by: MongoDB PostgreSQL scala lift nginx jetty HAProxy
the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by: MariaDB Oracle Database thin WEBrick Python bottle RoR Elixir XML Javascript
How the application looks. Backend. How the application runs. Backend. How the application stores data. Storage Logic Style and structure Infrastructure Application: Designed by: SQLite Puma Ruby Rails HTML Javascript CSS