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Plan for Success

Plan for Success

What happens to your system, when you get lucky and become successful?

Monica Giambitto

May 13, 2020

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  1. RIGHT TIME 27TH JANUARY - First COVID-19 case in Germany

    24TH FEBRUARY - Pandemic plan activated 09TH MARCH - First COVID-19 death in Germany 21ST MARCH - Official lockdown called in Bavaria, more Länder to follow
  2. DNS HELL • KubeDNS doesn’t cache name resolution on internal

    calls -> moved to CoreDNS does it • Short DNS Names for internal calls: we used bodyweight.api instead of bodyweight.api.svc.cluster.local, requiring 2 DNS resolution requests for each internal call PROBLEM #1 • Sidekiqs and internal calls • KubeDNS asks AWS for internal calls as well, so we used up our quota for external DNS requests very fast. As there is a high chance that a high error rate on something leads to an increased pile on sidekiq delayed jobs that call dns we increased the pressure here.
  3. • Task Force • Calendario & Meeting • Confluence •

    Miro Board • Tools • NR • Grafana • AWS Dashboard • Statuspage • Slack • Hangout