Cassandra Python Driver: Benchmarking concurrency for the NYT ⨍aбrik Platform
Systems architect Michael Laing explains how how Apache Cassandra is used with Python in the NY Times ⨍aбrik messaging platform. This talk was presented at Cassandra Day New York in June 2014. Here's the video.
self.build_message() self.submit_query(message) def push_initial_data(self): self._start_time = time() try: with self._lock: for i in range( 0, min(CONCURRENCY, self._message_count) ): self.push_message()
[CQL_HOST ...]]] [-i ITERATIONS] [-d LOCAL_DC] [-w [worker_count [worker_count ...]]] [-p [prefetch_count [prefetch_count ...]]] [-n [level [level ...]]] [-a] [-t] [-m MESSAGE_EXPONENT] [-b BODY_EXPONENT] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG,NOTSET}] Run multiple test cases based upon the product of worker_counts, prefetch_counts, and consistency_levels. Each test case may be run with up to 4 variations reflecting the use or not of the dc_aware and token_aware policies. The results are output to stdout as a JSON object.