knowledge (such as language skills and intercultural understanding) and broaden your horizons through growth. 「Open the door, color your world」のスローガンのもと、顧客に対して新しい視点 や挑戦を提供し、世界を広げる体験を促す。 Offer new perspectives and opportunities of growth to customers, helping them expand their world through new experiences according to our service slogan "Open the door, color your world." ビジョンである「 One & Colorful」と、ミッションである「 GX人材の創出」を深く理解 し、それを自らの行動に反映させる。 Deeply understand the vision of "One & Colorful" and the mission of "creating GX talent," and reflect this understanding in your actions. 自らの成長を通じて、チームや顧客にポジティブな影響を与え、成長と視野拡大 の機会を提供する。 Through your own growth, positively impact your team and customers, providing opportunities for their growth and expansion. 5 VALUES