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OKD Streams

OKD Streams

OpenShift Commons Gathering Raleigh 2023
October 18, 2023 ~ Raleigh, North Carolina

Heather Heffner, Senior Product Manager, Technical

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OpenShift Commons

October 23, 2023

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  1. OKD Streams 2 Vision Enable reliable, open source environments where

    internal Red Hatters, customers, partners, cloud providers, and telco teams can get early signals and build trust in OCP and other products.
  2. OKD Streams 3 CoreOS ecosystem Community space Shared space ▸

    Based on Fedora ▸ Most recent packages and kernel ▸ Latest CoreOS components ▸ Latest container tools ▸ Available as a standalone OS Operating system developers OS innovation, architecture changes Fast moving, major release every 6 months ▸ Based on CentOS Stream ▸ More stable kernel and packages ▸ Tracks just ahead of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS ▸ Available as a standalone OS ▸ Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux ▸ Available only with OpenShift Community and partners Develop, test, and contribute to the next version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS Continuous stream of content, major release every 3 years Red Hat Enterprise Linux customers and partners Stability, security, performance Predictable release cadence with minor and major releases Private space
  3. OKD Streams 4 From the ‘One Size Fits all’ to

    ‘Built to Order’ • Get features into the hands of our customer and partners faster • Enable engineers to experiment and innovate • Improve our release signals for OpenShift, RHEL, CoreOS
  4. OKD Streams 5 OKD Red Hat Engineers are focusing on

    • Improve Kube readiness release signal • Improve RHEL readiness release signal • Improve Bare Metal readiness release signal
  5. OKD Streams 7 Get early Signals Experimental Leading Edge We’re

    Inviting you to our testing party ! OKD Streams is meant to be: OKD Streams is NOT meant to be: Ran in Production
  6. OKD Streams 9 How to get Involved and Contribute •

    Come to an OKD Working Group meeting and share your OKD use cases with the rest of the community. We’ll help you connect with like minded collaborators! • Download the OKD/SCOS build and deploy it! • Review our Tekton OKD Build pipelines. Try running them on your own Kubernetes cluster with Tekton - help us make our pipelines more efficient and easier to re-use. • Contact: [email protected]