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Discovering AI Models

Laurent Picard
September 18, 2024

Discovering AI Models

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
— Arthur C Clarke

Well, machine learning can look like magic, but you don't need to be a data scientist or an ML researcher to develop with ML.

So, what about making your solution smarter without any knowledge in AI? With pre-trained models, a few lines of code is all it takes to get started. Moreover, model tuning techniques let you get even more specific insights tailored to your needs.

In this session, you’ll see how to transform, extract, or generate information from text, image, audio & video with the latest ML and Generative AI APIs, how to tune custom models, and you’ll be an active player of a live demo. Don't put your smartphone in airplane mode!

Laurent Picard

September 18, 2024

More Decks by Laurent Picard

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  1. Hey! I'm Laurent! Laurent Picard ‒ @PicardParis ◦ Developer Advocate

    ‒ Google Cloud ◦ Applied AI, Serverless, Python Previous lives ◦ CTO, cofounder of Bookeen ◦ Ebook pioneer (17 years) ◦ Educational solutions
  2. @PicardParis What is machine learning? Artificial Intelligence (make machines "intelligent")

    Machine Learning (learn from data) Deep Learning (using neural networks) Generative AI (create content)
  3. @PicardParis How does deep learning work? How Using many examples

    to find answers Result Solving problems without explicitly knowing the answer Origin Trying to mimic how (we think) our brain works
  4. @PicardParis Focus on ML Focus on Dev ML APIs Ready-to-use

    models Model Tuning Customized models Machine Learning Data & neural networks Building blocks Four ways we can build with ML in 2024 Generative AI Generative models
  5. @PicardParis Ready-to-use models Text Text Image Video Speech Text Video

    Intelligence API Speech-To-Text API Vision API Natural Language API Translation API Text-To-Speech API Info Translation Info Info Text Speech
  6. @PicardParis Generative AI Prompt → Text - Chat - Summarization

    - Classification - Extraction - Writing/ideation Image → Info - Image captioning Image+Q → Info - Visual Q & A Text → App - Search - Chat - Recommendations - Agent Prompt → Code - Code generation - Code completion - Refactoring - Lang. conversion Vertex AI Prompt → Image - Image generation + Prompt → Image - Image editing Text Image Audio Video Documents Vertex AI Agent Builder Vertex AI Studio
  7. @PicardParis Syntax analysis Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist,

    and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.
  8. @PicardParis Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist, and university

    professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. { "language": "en" } Syntax analysis
  9. @PicardParis Entity detection Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist,

    and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.
  10. @PicardParis Entity detection Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist,

    and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.
  11. @PicardParis Entity detection Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist,

    and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. { "name": "British", "type": "LOCATION", "metadata": { "mid": "/m/07ssc", "wikipedia_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom" } } { "name": "Tolkien", "type": "PERSON", "metadata": { "mid": "/m/041h0", "wikipedia_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien" } } { "name": "The Silmarillion", "type": "WORK_OF_ART", "metadata": { "mid": "/m/07c4l", "wikipedia_url": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Silmarillion" } }
  12. @PicardParis Content classification Tolkien was a British writer, poet, philologist,

    and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. { "categories": [ { "name": "/Books & Literature", "confidence": 0.97 }, { "name": "/People & Society/Subcultures…", "confidence": 0.66 }, { "name": "/Hobbies & Leisure", "confidence": 0.58 } ] }
  13. @PicardParis Sentiment analysis 2 example reviews of “The Hobbit”: -

    Positive from the NYT (1938) - Negative from GoodReads
  14. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import language from google.cloud.language import

    enums, types def analyze_text_sentiment(text): client = language.LanguageServiceClient() document = types.Document(content=text, type=enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) response = client.analyze_sentiment(document=document) sentiment = response.document_sentiment results = [('text', text), ('score', sentiment.score), ('magnitude', sentiment.magnitude)] for k, v in results: print('{:10}: {}'.format(k, v)) Python package: pypi.org/project/google-cloud-language Tutorial code: codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-natural-language-python3
  15. @PicardParis Translation API Translate Many Languages 100+ different languages, from

    Afrikaans to Zulu. Used in combination, this enables translation between thousands of language pairs. Language Detection Translation API can automatically identify languages with high accuracy. Simple Integration Easy to use Google REST API. No need to extract text from your document, just send it HTML documents and get back translated text. High Quality Translations High quality translations that push the boundary of Machine Translation. Updated constantly to seamlessly improve translations and introduce new languages and language pairs.
  16. @PicardParis Switch to a neural translation model in 2016 Neural

    Network for Machine Translation, at Production Scale (ai.googleblog.com)
  17. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import translate def translate_text(target, text):

    """Translates text into the target language.""" translate_client = translate.Client() # Text can also be a sequence of strings, in which case this method # will return a sequence of results for each text. result = translate_client.translate(text, target_language=target) print('Text: {}'.format(result['input'])) print('Translation: {}'.format(result['translatedText'])) print('Detected source language: {}'.format(result['detectedSourceLanguage'])) Sample from Python open source client library github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples
  18. @PicardParis Label detection Photo by Shaun Jeffers: hobbitontours.com "labelAnnotations": [

    { "description": "Nature", "mid": "/m/05h0n", "score": 0.9516123, }, { "description": "Flower", "mid": "/m/0c9ph5", "score": 0.91467637, }, { "description": "Garden", "mid": "/m/0bl0l", "score": 0.903375, }, … ]
  19. @PicardParis Photo by Dominic Monaghan (Instagram) Object detection "localizedObjectAnnotations": [

    { "boundingPoly": {…}, "mid": "/m/01g317", "name": "Person", "score": 0.90216154 }, { "boundingPoly": {…}, "mid": "/m/01g317", "name": "Person", "score": 0.88069034 }, { "boundingPoly": {…}, "mid": "/m/01g317", "name": "Person", "score": 0.86947715 }, … ]
  20. @PicardParis Rendering by Elendil: www.zbrushcentral.com/printthread.php?t=45397 Face detection "faceAnnotations": [{ "detectionConfidence":

    0.93634903, "boundingPoly": {…}, "fdBoundingPoly": {…}, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.18798567, "landmarks": [{ "type": "LEFT_EYE" "position": {…}, },…], "panAngle": -1.7626401, "rollAngle": 7.024975, "tiltAngle": 9.038818, "angerLikelihood": "LIKELY", "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" }]
  21. @PicardParis Screenshot from Goodreads: goodreads.com/quotes/4454 Text detection "fullTextAnnotation": { "text":

    " J.R.R. Tolkien > Quotes > Quotable Quote \"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the… Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of… Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find… One Ring to bring them all and in the darkn… In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.\" - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings " }
  22. @PicardParis Screenshot from Goodreads: goodreads.com/quotes/4454 Text detection "fullTextAnnotation": { "text":

    " J.R.R. Tolkien > Quotes > Quotable Quote \"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the… Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of… Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find… One Ring to bring them all and in the darkn… In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.\" - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings " }
  23. @PicardParis Tolkien handwriting: pinterest.com/pin/145311525456602832 Handwriting detection "fullTextAnnotation": { "text": "

    The Lord of the Rings. Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of… Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find… One Ring to bring them all and in the shadows… In the Land of Mordor where the shadows lie\". " }
  24. @PicardParis Landmark detection "landmarkAnnotations": [ { "boundingPoly": {…}, "description": "Hobbiton

    Movie Set", "locations": [ { "latLng": { "latitude": -37.8723441, "longitude": 175.6833613 } } ], "mid": "/m/012r3jqg", "score": 0.61243546 } ] Original photo by Shaun Jeffers: hobbitontours.com
  25. @PicardParis Web entity detection and image matching "webDetection": { "bestGuessLabels":

    [ { "label": "jrr tolkien", "languageCode": "es" } ], "webEntities": [ { "entityId": "/m/041h0", "score": 14.976, "description": "J. R. R. Tolkien" },… ], "partialMatchingImages": [ { "url": "http://e00-elmundo.uecdn.es/…jpg" },… ], "pagesWithMatchingImages": […], "visuallySimilarImages": […] } Photo by Bill Potter: elmundo.es/cultura/2017/08/11/598c81b6e2704ebf238b469e.html
  26. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import vision uri_base = 'gs://cloud-vision-codelab'

    pics = ('face_surprise.jpg', 'face_no_surprise.png') client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.Image() for pic in pics: image.source.image_uri = f'{uri_base}/{pic}' response = client.face_detection(image=image) for face in response.face_annotations: likelihood = vision.Likelihood(face.surprise_likelihood) vertices = [f'({v.x},{v.y})' for v in face.bounding_poly.vertices] print(f'Face surprised: {likelihood.name}') print(f'Face bounds: {",".join(vertices)}') Python package: pypi.org/project/google-cloud-vision Tutorial code: codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-vision-api-python
  27. @PicardParis Video Intelligence API Label Detection Detect entities within the

    video, such as "dog", "flower" or "car". Enable Video Search Search your video catalog the same way you search text documents. Insights from Videos Extract actionable insights from video files without requiring any machine learning or computer vision knowledge. More… Detect sequences Detect and track objects Detect explicit content Transcribe speech + OCR, logo, face, person detection, pose estimation…
  28. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import videointelligence from google.cloud.videointelligence import

    enums, types def track_objects(video_uri, segments=None): video_client = videointelligence.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient() features = [enums.Feature.OBJECT_TRACKING] context = types.VideoContext(segments=segments) print(f'Processing video "{video_uri}"...') operation = video_client.annotate_video(input_uri=video_uri, features=features, video_context=context) return operation.result() Python package: pypi.org/project/google-cloud-videointelligence Tutorial code: codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-video-intelligence-python3
  29. @PicardParis Speech-to-Text API Speech Recognition Recognizes 125 languages & variants.

    Powered by deep learning neural networking to power your applications. Real-Time Results Can stream text results, returning partial recognition results as they become available. Can also be run on buffered or archived audio files. Noise Robustness No need for signal processing or noise cancellation before calling API. Can handle noisy audio from a variety of environments. More… Customized recognition Word timestamps Auto-punctuation Profanity filter Spoken punctuation Spoken emojis … (Preview) Language auto-detection Multiple speaker detection Word-level confidence …
  30. @PicardParis Speech timestamps Search for text within your audio "transcript":

    "Hello world…", "confidence": 0.96596134, "words": [ { "startTime": "1.400s", "endTime": "1.800s", "word": "Hello" }, { "startTime": "1.800s", "endTime": "2.300s", "word": "world" }, … ]
  31. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import speech_v1 as speech def

    speech_to_text(config, audio): client = speech.SpeechClient() response = client.recognize(config, audio) config = {'language_code': 'fr-FR', 'enable_automatic_punctuation': True, 'enable_word_time_offsets': True} audio = {'uri': 'gs://cloud-samples-data/speech/corbeau_renard.flac'} speech_to_text(config, audio) """ Transcript: Maître corbeau sur un arbre perché tenait en son bec un fromage... Confidence: 93% """ Python package: pypi.org/project/google-cloud-speech Tutorial code: codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-speech-text-python3
  32. @PicardParis Client libraries from google.cloud import texttospeech from google.cloud.texttospeech import

    enums, types def text_to_wav(voice_name, text): language_code = "-".join(voice_name.split("-")[:2]) input = types.SynthesisInput(text=text) voice = types.VoiceSelectionParams(language_code=language_code, name=voice_name) audio_config = types.AudioConfig(audio_encoding=enums.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16) client = texttospeech.TextToSpeechClient() response = client.synthesize_speech(input, voice, audio_config) save_to_wav(f"{language_code}.wav", response.audio_content) text_to_wav("en-AU-Wavenet-A", "What is the temperature in Sydney?") text_to_wav("en-GB-Wavenet-B", "What is the temperature in London?") text_to_wav("en-IN-Wavenet-C", "What is the temperature in Delhi?") Python package: pypi.org/project/google-cloud-texttospeech Tutorial code: codelabs.developers.google.com/codelabs/cloud-text-speech-python3
  33. @PicardParis AutoML AutoML Train Deploy Serve Your training data Your

    custom model with a REST API Your custom edge model TF Lite mobile TF.js browser Container anywhere
  34. @PicardParis Auto-generate a custom model from your data Image Text

    Text Video Structured Data AutoML Vision AutoML Natural Language AutoML Translation AutoML Video Intelligence AutoML Tables Custom - Classification - Object Detection - Pix Segmentation Custom - Classification - Shot Detection - Obj. Detect./Track. Custom - Classification - Entity Extraction - Sentiment Analysis Custom Translation Custom - Classification - Metrics Prediction
  35. @PicardParis Text classification (single-label) Text classification (multi-label) Text entity extraction

    Text sentiment analysis AutoML in Vertex AI Datasets Image classification (single-label) Image classification (multi-label) Image object detection Video classification Video action recognition Video object tracking Regression/classification Image segmentation + Custom translation models with AutoML Translation Forecasting
  36. @PicardParis What are your emotions? Ready-to-use model Vision API 😃

    Joy 😮 Surprise 😢 Sorrow 😠 Anger I want to detect faces + general emotions Custom model AutoML Vision 😛 Tongue out 🥱 Yawning 😴 Sleeping I want to detect new custom expressions
  37. Stache Club demo serverless architecture Source Selfies Cloud Storage Stache

    Club App App Engine Stache Club Selfies Cloud Storage Face Detection Vision API Custom Detection AutoML Vision Selfie Processing Cloud Functions User Web request Event trigger 1. Upload a selfie 2. Function is automatically triggered 3. Function gets insights from ML APIs 4. Function uploads result image 1 2 3 4 Admin
  38. @PicardParis Evaluation: results vs expectations Results returned by model Results

    we expect Results we don't expect Results not returned by model Model positives ← Model negatives ← True positives False negatives True negatives False positives
  39. @PicardParis Model precision Precision = True + True + False

    + Precision can be seen as a measure of exactness or quality. High precision means that the model returns substantially more expected results than unexpected ones.
  40. @PicardParis Model recall Recall can be seen as a measure

    of completeness or quantity. High recall means that the model returns most of the expected results. Recall = True + True + False −
  41. @PicardParis Learning to learn Models to identify optimal model architectures

    AutoML under the hood Transfer learning Build on existing models Hyperparameter auto-tuning Algorithm for finding the best hyperparameters for your model & data
  42. @PicardParis Learning to learn: neural architecture search Controller: proposes ML

    models Train & evaluate models 20K times Iterate to find the most accurate model Layers Learning rate Research paper: bit.ly/nas-paper
  43. @PicardParis Updated output using your training data Transfer learning Model

    trained on a lot of data Your data Hidden layers
  44. @PicardParis Hyperparameter tuning • Hyperparameters: any value which affects the

    accuracy of an algorithm, but is not directly learned by it • HyperTune: Google-developed algorithm to find the best hyperparameter combinations for your model • Available as a Cloud API: Vertex AI Vizier HyperParam #1 Objective Want to find this Not these HyperParam #2
  45. @PicardParis AI platforms & industry verticals • Vertex AI DS+AutoML+MLOps+…

    • Document AI OCR+HW+Tables+Forms Invoices+Receipts+… • Dialogflow Build your chat bot • Call Center AI
  46. @PicardParis Focus on ML Focus on Dev ML APIs Ready-to-use

    models Model Tuning Customized models Machine Learning Data & neural networks How fast & easy is it to build a prototype? Generative AI Generative models hours days days, weeks… Time? hours none dataset dataset + NN + … Difficulty? prompt
  47. Resources Ready-to-use machine learning models Cloud Vision API cloud.google.com/vision Cloud

    Video Intelligence API cloud.google.com/video-intelligence Cloud Natural Language API cloud.google.com/natural-language Cloud Translation API cloud.google.com/translation Cloud Speech-To-Text API cloud.google.com/speech-to-text Cloud Text-to-Speech API cloud.google.com/text-to-speech Use, customize, and deploy generative models Generative AI Studio cloud.google.com/generative-ai-studio Build your custom model with your own data without any expertise Cloud AutoML cloud.google.com/automl Build your model from scratch with deep learning expertise Vertex AI cloud.google.com/vertex-ai Extract structured information from documents Document AI cloud.google.com/document-ai
  48. @PicardParis Python resources & articles Codelabs (g.co/codelabs) Using the Vision

    API Using the Video Intelligence API Using the Natural Language API Using the Translation API Using the Speech-to-Text API Using the Text-to-Speech API Inspirational articles (medium.com/@PicardParis) Summarizing videos in 300 lines of code Tracking video objects in 300 lines of code Face detection and processing in 300 lines of code Deploy a coloring page generator in minutes From pixels to information with Document AI Automate identity document processing Moderating text with the Natural Language API Deploying a Python serverless function in minutes