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Zach Forrester - Android for Humans: Designing ...

AndroidTO 2013
October 17, 2013

Zach Forrester - Android for Humans: Designing Compelling Apps for Android

Designing apps that people can relate too, grow fond of, and look forward to using is critical in the ever expanding and already crowded marketplace. What are some universal elements of beloved apps? What are some avoidable pitfalls of overly ambitious designs? What kind of guiding principles can we follow to make things that people fall in love with?

Zach will be talking about his challenges, misteps, and successess designing Vū, a smart news reader app available for iOS and Android, and sharing some lessons he's learned in the process. He'll also address the broader question of what makes an app great, and how empathy and emotion in interaction design can create an unforgetable, humane experience for your users.

AndroidTO 2013

October 17, 2013

More Decks by AndroidTO 2013

Other Decks in Design


  1. “We have to let go of this notion that for

    Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose.”
  2. Devices are becoming more powerful Markets are becoming more crowded

    Design is becoming more important than ever
  3. Let’s rethink this Recommended Readin Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

    consectetur adipiscing elit. Create Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 2:30 Recommended Reading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Create a Vū 2:30 Recommended Reading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Baseball & Hockey Local News Seafood Recipes Saved Favorites Topics Trending articles Make a new Vū Recommended Reading Create a Vū 2:30 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Recommended Reading Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Trending on Vū Create a Vū Good Morning Bryan,
  4. People will remember and share apps that provide them with

    personal, humane experiences over other apps with similar feature sets
  5. “I believe when properly done, a visceral app actually causes

    your body to release endorphins. I’ve heard people describe certain apps as being “alive” and I think this is precisely what they meant. Potential and kinetic. Build-up and release. Mmmmmmm, endorphins.” - Rob Foster twitter.com/therobfoster http://mysterioustrousers.com/news/2013/3/25/visceral-apps-and-you Virtual Bubble Wrap
  6. Why do this? Find flaws in your IA or UX

    Turns you from a creator to a user Is this something you’ll use?
  7. How to do this effectively? Sketch, wireframe, or design key

    screens Stitch these images together Deploy to your device Give it to friends and strangers Actually USE it Live with it
  8. Keynote Great for animation concepts Good for observing linear actions

    Bad for gauging interactions Can not deploy to native devices
  9. Invision Great for quickly linking screens Great for managing feedback/notes

    Great for device-specific deployment Poor indicator of actual experience http://www.invisionapp.com
  10. Flinto Great for quickly linking screens Great indicator of actual

    experience Great for device-specific deployment Not able to capture feedback/notes https://www.flinto.com
  11. Pop App Great for turning napkin sketches in to something

    useable Not really intended for polished designs, but that’s a good thing! https://popapp.in
  12. CSS Animate images of screens or UI elements on custom

    touch events Code written may be reusable Can be slightly more time consuming Code written may be thrown out