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Symposium on Open Guidelines for RDTs - 2 - Imp...

Symposium on Open Guidelines for RDTs - 2 - Implementer Panel_ Challenges and Opportunities with RDTs

Peter Lubell-Doughtie

March 10, 2022

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  1. Rigveda Kadam FIND Head of Digital Access Welcome our panelists

    Luciana Rajula PATH Digital Square Business Analyst Marc Abbyad Medic Chief Product Officer
  2. What specific challenges have you seen around properly using RDTs

    in health projects? Theme: Proper use Discussion Question
  3. Theme: Proper use Discussion Question What opportunities do you see

    to provide improved guidance to health workers, and improved RDT features, for proper use?
  4. Have you seen changes in the adoption or use of

    RDTs in your health projects since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic? Theme: The effects of Covid-19 Discussion Question
  5. What are the specific features and gaps in current SARS-CoV-2

    RDTs for antigen or antibody? Theme: The effects of Covid-19 Discussion Question
  6. Theme: The effects of Covid-19 Discussion Question Have you seen

    changes in the prevalence of RDT features than facilitate smartphone integration with Covid-19 health projects?
  7. How do you use smartphones to collect RDT results, patient

    symptoms, and other diagnostic data, and what further opportunities do you see? Theme: Smartphone integration Discussion Question
  8. Theme: Smartphone integration Discussion Question Is the performance of current

    RDT reader devices or apps adequate from the perspective of signal detection and data exchange?
  9. Theme: Smartphone integration Discussion Question What challenges in sharing health

    data between apps or projects have you seen, and do they matter? Is more sharing relevant to better outcomes?
  10. Theme: AI & ML integration Discussion Question How can we

    apply AI to our healthcare projects to impact patients right now, or is it to early and should we be focusing on R&D?
  11. What processes or resources are needed to get greater value

    from applying AI to your healthcare projects? Theme: AI & ML integration Discussion Question
  12. What are the specific high priority use cases for AI

    & ML for RDTs? Theme: AI & ML integration Discussion Question