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Hacking the hiring process: an engineer's persp...

Pam Selle
November 04, 2015

Hacking the hiring process: an engineer's perspective

Your company is (most likely) terrible at hiring. Job seekers are disincentivized to reach out to you, but why? How do they overcome it? How can you make your hiring process less terrible? This talk will cover some of these questions, and hopefully raise some more to make you rethink your approach to hiring.

Pam Selle

November 04, 2015

More Decks by Pam Selle

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  1. “There’s no evidence...that there’s a shortage in the conventional sense…They

    may not be able to find them at the price they want.” “But I’m not sure that qualifies as a shortage, any more than my not being able to find a half-priced TV.” Hal Salzman, Rutgers University
  2. “Your chances of getting a job you want vastly increase

    if you know what you want in a job" – me, Pam Selle
  3. Hunting for targets ✤ Know and articulate what you want

    ✤ Reach out to your network to tell them you are looking
  4. Interviewing ✤ Never name a salary number early in the

    conversation ✤ Practice speaking intelligently about past success ✤ Practice interviews