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Delivery service app | Powercode

Delivery service app | Powercode


July 17, 2022

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  1. People will always buy and sell goods, therefore they need

    a reliable delivery service to get what they’ve ordered or to provide their client with objects they have been paid for. Moreover, people in the modern society are rather quick off the mark when it goes about moving to another city or country, whether it is about a new job opportunity or they are just in the heat of the moment. Many people keep up with the trends and realize it is much easier and convenient to pay for a delivery service than try to move together with all of your stuff. A delivery service app is an extremely helpful tool that makes lives easier giving its users freedom and mobility in their actions. We offer building a delivery service application available on web and mobile.
  2. Global market revenue in million US dollars 0 2 000

    4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
  3. • Sign in
 • Verify profile 
 • Estimate shipping

 • Post jobs
 • Select delivery types
 • Accept quotes
 • Search for drivers
 • Use search filters
 • Cancel jobs
 • Leave feedback
 • Provide payment Shipper
  4. • Sign in
 • Verify profile 
 • Search for

 • Use search filters
 • View delivery details
 • Accept jobs
 • Leave feedback
 • Get payment
  5. • Sign up
 • Create profile 
 • Verify profile

    • Estimate approx. shipping cost
 • Watch shipping details
 • Visit drivers’ profiles
  6. • Manage shippers
 • Manage drivers 
 • Manage jobs

    and deliveries
 • Ban scam users Admin
  7. • Cost estimator - a tool that will help you

    estimate the delivery price without asking questions and waiting for replies
 • Two roles in one account - one user can assume a role both of a carrier and a shipper. There might be situations when drivers also need a delivery service for personal use. With this feature, they won’t have to create 2 profiles. Extra features