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PyCon Ireland 2013 - Contributing to OpenStack

PyCon Ireland 2013 - Contributing to OpenStack

(via http://python.ie/pycon/2013/talks/contributing_to_openstack/)
Speaker: Michael Kerrin (http://twitter.com/michael_kerrin)

OpenStack is a large open source project written in Python. Over 100 companies contribute to building and fixing OpenStack.

Contributing code to OpenStack is very straight forward open process and anyone can take part in it. Every patch to OpenStack has to go through the same review process and the only thing that matters is the quality of the code.

This talk will cover a brief history of the evolution of contributing to OpenSource projects leading into the current processes around the OpenStack project. I will cover how you can submit your patch, getting it reviewed and how it gets merged (if accepted) to OpenStack. I will also discuss how this process can help other project and companies writer slightly better code.

PyCon Ireland

October 12, 2013

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  1. Who am I and what Ido? • michael.kerrin@hp.com • Work

    At HP Cloud in Galway • Built on OpenStack
  2. Core reviewer • Any can give their opinion – -1,

    0 +1 • But a core reviewer pushes the patch through
  3. Learning from OpenStack • Use at work – Automation •

    Use process in other open source projects? •