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Rancher 2.3 + Rancher 2.4PreView + k3s's GA

February 07, 2020

Rancher 2.3 + Rancher 2.4PreView + k3s's GA

Rancher 2.3のアップデータ情報
Rancher 2.4のPreView情報


February 07, 2020

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  1. © Copyright 2019 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. 1 Rancher

    アップデート情報 2020/02/07 Cheng Field Engineer
  2. About me Jianqiang Cheng(ͪΜ) Field Engineer at Rancher Labs. [email protected]

    slack.rancher.jp ▪Favorite technologies: Rancher, Kubernetes, AWS, Jenkins. ▪Certifications:
  3. 5 Rancher 2.3ʹ͍ͭͯ uWindows GA Support LTΫϥελʔʹWidowsϊʔυͷ௥ՃɺWidowsΞϓϦͷσϓϩΠ n੍໿ࣄ߲ •ϫʔΧʔϊʔυͱͯ͠ͷαϙʔτ •Windows

    Server 2019 (i.e. core version 1809 or above) •Docker EE-basic 18.09 •ৄࡉ https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/windows/intro- windows-in-kubernetes/#supported-functionality-and-limitations nWindows GA In Rancher https://qiita.com/cheng_rancher/items/45eca1af1572b422624a
  4. 14 Rancher 2.4ʹ͍ͭͯ uRancher 2.4 r Platform Security n CIS

    Benchmarks •Ϣʔβʔ͕3,&Ϋϥελʔʹରͯ͠εΩϟϯΛ࣮ߦͰ͖Δ •ߏ੒υϦϑτΛ๷͙ͨΊʹఆظతʹεΩϟϯΛͰ͖Δ •ηΩϡϦςΟϨϙʔτΛੜ੒ •εΩϟϯ৚݅ΛΧελϚΠζͰ͖Δ ※v2.4.0-alpha1όʔδϣϯͰݕূͰ͖·͢ nάϩʔόϧϩʔϧͷ࡞੒͓ΑͼΧελϚΠζ •v2.3: Ϋϥελʔロール、プロジェクトロール •v2.4: άϩʔόϧϩʔϧɺΫϥελʔϩʔϧɺϓϩδΣΫτϩʔϧ
  5. 15 Rancher 2.4ʹ͍ͭͯ uRancher 2.4 r Multi-Cluster Platform nεέʔϥϏϦςΟͷվળ •2.3

    – ࠷େ200Ϋϥελʔ 10kϊʔυ •2.4 – ࠷େ1000Ϋϥελʔ 100kϊʔυ nθϩμ΢ϯλΠϜͷ3,&ΫϥελʔͷΞοϓάϨʔυ •etcdɺίϯτϩʔϧϓϨʔϯɺ͓ΑͼϫʔΧʔϊʔυΛϩʔϦϯάΞοϓά ϨʔυͰ͖ΔɻόοναΠζͷࢦఆՄ
  6. 16 Rancher 2.4ʹ͍ͭͯ uRancher 2.4 r To the Edge nk3sΫϥελʔͷ؅ཧػೳ

    •ΫϥελʔͷΠϯϙʔτ •όʔδϣϯΞοϓؚΊͯͷΫϥελʔͷ؅ཧ
  7. 17 Rancher 2.4ʹ͍ͭͯ uRancher 2.4 r More Power to the

    Devs nRioػೳΛRancher΁ͷ౷߹ ৄࡉͷ࢓༷͕·ͩະఆ
  8. 18 K3s͕GAʹͳΓ·ͨ͠ʂ • ʙ.#όΠφϦ • ,VCFSOFUFTϚελʔɺ,VCFMFUɺ$POUBJOFSE͕ɺ όΠφϦͭͰશ෦ೖΓ • ΑΓܰྔͳTRMJUFΛσϑΥϧτͷετϨʔδ .Z42-

    1PTUHSFT FUDE΋αϙʔτ • ΑΓܰྔͳ$POUBJOFSEΛσϑΥϧτͷϥϯλΠϜ • ରԠΞʔΩςΫνϟ͸ɺY@ "3.W  "3.