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Pauly Ting: Secrets to game-changing design spr...

March 01, 2017

Pauly Ting: Secrets to game-changing design sprints

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF0TzjYNwVo

Speaker: Pauly coaches company leaders and teams to become generative thinkers using the design sprint framework.
Working with startups to Fortune 500s, he teaches so much more than just a new skill.
Pauly will help your team bring their best selves to the table; empower them to be curious, vulnerable, and authentic, instill a sense of purpose, and unlock valuable leadership qualities hidden beneath the surface, all while creating a prototype together.
Having founded and sold two design firms and lead design teams in a global software consultancy, Pauly has dedicated his career to understanding the differences and nuances between poor performing teams, reasonably performing teams, and high performing teams.
From Australia to the Bay, Pauly works with teams and companies of all shapes, sizes and disciplines, and has crafted a powerful framework to help any team who is open, willing, and ready, to take their game to the next level.

Abstract: What would happen if your team had a clear focus, actually liked each other, and solved problems quickly and thoughtfully? What if collaboration was actually a thing and not just a buzzword, where everyone got to contribute toward how something should be designed, and not just the loudest and proudest in the room?
What would it feel like to have time and space to think about the problems you’re solving - and support from the management?
Many teams identify as agile, yet when it comes to product design, they default to a waterfall attitude and a selecting bias as to who is a ‘designer’ and who isn’t. As a result, design is considered a function of a department at war with others, and not a company culture.
In attempts to bridge this gap, many teams have tried a concoction of design sprints, workshops, and exercises but failed to create lasting success, repeated performance, or a meaningful impact.
Some even read Google’s book on design sprints, yet fizzled on execution. Others simply have no idea what’s available for them.
If you’re keen to get to the next level of the game but are stuck, sit down and join us.
Learn how to:
Set up a design sprint so it’s an awesome experience
Navigate the political BS so it doesn’t get derailed
Facilitate your sprint so it goes off without a hitch
Influence C/VP/Dir level so you can get resources
Supercharge your influence in the organization

Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/paulyting


March 01, 2017

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  1. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting My Assump)ons What are

    they? 1) You’ve heard of design sprints but have never done one
  2. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting My Assump)ons What are

    they? 1) You’ve heard of design sprints but have never done one 2) You have done design sprints but want to do them be=er
  3. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting My Assump)ons What are

    they? 1) You’ve heard of design sprints but have never done one 2) You have done design sprints but want to do them be<er 3) You have no idea what I’m talking about
  4. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting My Assump)ons What are

    they? 1) You’ve heard of design sprints but have never done one 2) You have done design sprints but want to do them be<er 3) You have no idea what I’m talking about 4) You are politely wai)ng for the next talk
  5. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What I’m commi=ed to

    today I want to help you be awesome at design sprints and not just go through the moBons.
  6. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What I’m commi=ed to

    today I want to help you be awesome at design sprints and not just go through the moBons. This means sharing some strategies that the books don’t teach you.
  7. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What I’m going to

    cover 1) IdenBfying roadblocks in your org 2) GeGng sponsor/stakeholder support
  8. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What I’m going to

    cover 1) IdenBfying roadblocks in your org 2) GeFng sponsor/stakeholder support 3) How to setup and run your sprint for success
  9. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What have I learned?

    People work in groups, not teams. Individual heroes, ninjas and rockstars are sadly valued over proficient, stable, and well connected teams.
  10. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What have I learned?

    People work in groups, not teams. Individual heroes, ninjas and rockstars are sadly valued over proficient, stable, and well connected teams. People don’t know what they don’t know. Humans are biased by default toward past experience, safety, and certainty. This means they gather evidence and a<ach meaning to established beliefs.
  11. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What have I learned?

    People work in groups, not teams. Individual heroes, ninjas and rockstars are sadly valued over proficient, stable, and well connected teams. People don’t know what they don’t know. Humans are biased by default toward past experience, safety, and certainty. This means they gather evidence and a<ach meaning to established beliefs. Extrinsic mo)va)on is bullshit. People will work with a carrot or sBck for a while, but what actually drives them is growth and a sense of contribuBon.
  12. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What makes a high

    performing team? Open communicaBon Diversity Shared values Clear and simple goals PosiBve atmosphere Eagerness to contribute Clear decision making Defined roles Accountability Vulnerability Self OrganizaBon Fluid leadership
  13. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting What I do I

    use design sprints to transform groups into high performing teams so they can reach the next level of the game
  14. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting NFI what a sprint

    is? The sprint is a 5-day process for answering cri5cal business ques5ons through design, prototyping, and tes5ng with customers. – Jake Knapp, Google Ventures
  15. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting How did we get

    here? “Design Thinking” “Lean / Agile” Lean +
  16. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting How did we get

    here? “Design Thinking” “Lean / Agile” Lean + = “Design Sprints”
  17. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting NFI what a sprint

    is? Think of them as a lean/agile way for a group of people to understand a problem, design a soluBon (or two), and then test a prototype immediately for feedback – in 5 days. They can transcend so\ware.
  18. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting It creates workability in

    groups. We are all on the same team, united by a common goal even though we may have different ideas about what it should look like. • Test assumpBons together • Expand understanding as a team • Find new ways of working • Uncover blind spots • Confront biases Why do a design sprint?
  19. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Buy the book Sprint:

    How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp $11 on Amazon
  20. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Typical Roadblocks We don’t

    have the resources We don’t have the bandwidth We don’t have the )me It sounds like an expensive risk 5 days is too long I’m not a designer, so am I needed? How will you guarantee success? We did it before and it didn’t work We don’t want to go blue sky What would we do a sprint on? I’d need to see evidence / results
  21. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Having Skills Skills =

    Confidence with taking ac)on More mental space for crea)vity Courage under fire and change
  22. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Having Habits = Ins)nc)ve

    language and ac)ons Rou)nes for consistent results SeGng priori)es and emphasis Habits
  23. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Finding Help From Within

    Sponsors Leaders Their job Build the right team to drive a vision toward a key outcome What mo)vates them Appeal to their sense of achievement, impact, ROI, and ability to fulfill upon the vision How to pitch sprints Focus on how sprints can help them realize their vision more effecBvely by unifying, improving, and stabilizing their team.
  24. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Managers Finding Help From

    Within Sponsors Their job Keep things consistent, happy, producBve and organized What mo)vates them Appeal to their sense of efficiency, ROI, staff retenBon, and quality control. How to pitch sprints Focus sprints around developing team muscle, improving exisBng logisBcs, and improving the culture of the team
  25. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Makers Finding Help From

    Within Sponsors Their job Get shit done What mo)vates them Appeal to their sense of learning, creaBng new and interesBng stuff, and being immersed in solving problems How to pitch sprints Focus on how sprints allow everyone who solves problems in the company, to come together to collaborate and create original stuff that has a good chance of making it into the roadmap
  26. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Socialize Demo Iterate What

    people think Due Diligence Problem Statement Manage Kickoff
  27. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting The Hidden Work Due

    Diligence Problem Statement Manage Kickoff Socialize Demo Iterate
  28. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Due Diligence Every business

    has its challenges Be honest about what isn’t working • Funnel failure • Workflow dead end • NegaBve customer feedback • InformaBon / communicaBon bo<leneck • Degraded experience with a clear impact
  29. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Due Diligence Every business

    has its challenges Doing Stuff #!? GRR! Cool Trying To Do
  30. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Due Diligence Making a

    business case Ac)vi)es and ques)ons before prepping a sprint What is the urgency to fix/address the problem? Interview key stakeholders for their take on the ma<er Is there a strong business case? Do you have sponsor support? Who should be on the team?
  31. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Google Recommends team of

    4-7 people • Designer • Engineer • Product Manager • Decision Maker • Facilitator • Core Business Who should be in it?
  32. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Consider adding • Customer

    reps • Copy writers • Researchers • Service technicians • AdministraBve staff • Legal and compliance • HR team members • Highly engaged users Who should be in it?
  33. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Problem Statement Create focus,

    not fences Create a structured hypothesis supported by: • State clear objecBves (what does success look like?) • The tangible and intangible success metrics • The target group user insights • The target group’s context
  34. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Problem Statement Create focus,

    not fences “We need to design a way for parents who have challenging rela@onships with their children to feel empowered configuring our service to help them raise their children into responsible young adults. “We need to build the sign up page for parents.”
  35. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Problem Statement Create focus,

    not fences It’s ok to be contenBous – debate creates be<er product The problem sounds open ended (but outcome is clear) Do this before the sprint if larger org or mission criBcal You may need to do research and data collecBon prior Involve your sponsor and manager in the process Journey mapping will help focus on what’s not working
  36. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Manage Kickoff Event planning

    101 Send out cal invites well ahead of Bme (1+ weeks) Create a clear schedule with breaks, start, and finish Bmes Support others by leveraging your sponsor for air cover Host a kickoff a few days before with Bme for Q&A Establish a communicaBon strategy with your team/manager Prepare a box with all the necessary materials (pens, posBts etc)
  37. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Manage Kickoff LogisBcs Monday

    - Friday Do not break a sprint over the weekend, or coinciding with a public holiday. Start and finish it within the same week. Dedicated Space Book a private and undisturbed space for the full duraBon. Stock it with materials. Avoid moving the group between rooms. Catering Pre-arranged food and snacks keeps focus and efficiency. It’s best to go for healthy opBons that don’t cause people to crash. Scheduling The sprint requires focus and commitment from the enBre group. Don’t book calls or meeBngs with sprint parBcipants.
  38. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting Manage Kickoff Create ground

    rules • Without integrity, there is no workability. It doesn’t work if we are late, avoid parBcipaBng fully, or tune out. Help each other to maintain integrity. • Be fully present, be coachable, and open to new possibili)es. There isn’t room for outside noise (calls, meeBngs, distracBons). • Laptops and phones are not to be used in session. Keep them off the table and free from temptaBon (except when specifically required for the sprint). • We are here to explore and solve a problem as a team, not be righteous, fight, or to hurt one another. It’s good to have mulBple angles. Do not use fear, rank, or inBmidaBon as a way to defeat another’s contribuBon.
  39. fb.com/paulyting Game Changing Design Sprints fb.com/paulyting The hidden work makes

    your sprint Due Diligence Problem Statement Manage Kickoff Socialize Demo Iterate