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Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, an...

Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and Machine Learning

IoT devices generate large amounts of data that must be continuously processed and analyzed. Apache Kafka is a highly scalable open source streaming platform for reading, storing, processing and forwarding large amounts of data from thousands of IoT devices. KSQL is an open source streaming SQL engine based natively on Apache Kafka to enable stream processing for everyone using simple SQL commands.

This talk shows with a scenario from the health care sector how Kafka and KSQL can help to continuously conduct health checks of patients. A live demo shows how machine learning models – trained with frameworks such as TensorFlow, DeepLearning4J or H2O – can be deployed into a runtime-critical and scalable real-time application.

* Apache Kafka is a streaming platform for reading, storing, processing and forwarding large volumes of data from thousands of IoT devices.
* KSQL allows continuous integration and analysis without external big data clusters and without writing source code.
* Machine learning models can be easily trained and used in the Apache Kafka environment.

Robin Moffatt

June 05, 2018

More Decks by Robin Moffatt

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  1. @rmoff robin@confluent.io https://speakerdeck.com/rmoff/ Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL,

    and Machine Learning building IoT, Köln 5th June 2018 / Robin Moffatt
  2. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning $ whoami • Developer Advocate @ Confluent • Working in data & analytics since 2001 • Oracle ACE Director & Dev Champion • Blogging : http://rmoff.net & http://cnfl.io/rmoff • Twitter: @rmoff • Geek stuff • Beer & Fried Breakfasts 2 https://speakerdeck.com/rmoff/
  3. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 3
  4. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 4
  5. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning “ What is kafka? 5
  6. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning “ 6 Kafka is a streaming platform
  7. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning “ all your data is event streams 7
  8. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 8 A Sensor Reading
  9. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 9 An Application Log Entry
  10. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 10 A Customer Experience
  11. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 13 The Streaming Platform
  12. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 14 Scalable Decoupled The Streaming Platform Realtime
  13. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Simple Data Pipelines - storage in HDFS for batch analytics / processing 15 HDFS / S3
  14. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Event Driven Applications 16 Stream Processing App
  15. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Real-time Enrichment and Analytics on What's Happening Now 17 Lookup data Stream Processing Event Streams
  16. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Real-time Enrichment and Analytics on What's Happening Now 18 Lookup data Stream Processing HDFS / S3 App Event Streams
  17. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka at Large Scale 19 https://conferences.oreilly.com/strata/strata-ca/public/schedule/detail/63921 https://qconlondon.com/london2018/presentation/cloud-native-and-scalable-kafka-architecture (2018) (2018)
  18. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka at Large Scale 19 https://conferences.oreilly.com/strata/strata-ca/public/schedule/detail/63921 https://qconlondon.com/london2018/presentation/cloud-native-and-scalable-kafka-architecture (2018) (2018)
  19. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 20
  20. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Kafka Cluster Apache Kafka 21 Reads are a single seek & scan Writes are append only Kafka A Distributed Commit Log. Publish and subscribe to 
 streams of records. Highly scalable, high throughput. 
 Supports transactions. Persisted data. Stream processing.
  21. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Producer and Consumer API • Send data directly to Kafka using the Producer API • Configurable for number of acks required etc • Open-source client libraries available for: 22 • Java • Scala • Python • C / C++ • .NET • Go
  22. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning • Very lightweight messaging protocol, often used with IoT devices • Integrates with Kafka through Kafka Connect • https://github.com/jcustenborder/kafka-connect-mqtt Stream Processing HDFS / S3 App MQTT 23
  23. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning The Connect API of Apache Kafka® 24 ✓ Fault tolerant and automatically load balanced ✓ Extensible API ✓ Single Message Transforms ✓ Part of Apache Kafka, included in
 Confluent Open Source Reliable and scalable integration of Kafka with other systems – no coding required. { "connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnector", "connection.url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo?user=rmoff&password=foo", "table.whitelist": "sales,orders,customers" } https://docs.confluent.io/current/connect/ ✓ Centralized management and configuration ✓ Support for hundreds of technologies including RDBMS, Elasticsearch, HDFS, S3 ✓ Supports CDC ingest of events from RDBMS ✓ Preserves data schema
  24. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Kafka Connect 25 Kafka Brokers Kafka Connect Tasks Workers Sources Sinks Amazon S3 syslog flat file CSV JSON MQTT MQTT
  25. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning REST Proxy: Talking to Non-native Kafka Apps and Outside the Firewall 26 REST Proxy Non-Java Applications Native Kafka Java Applications Schema Registry REST / HTTP Simplifies administrative actions Simplifies message creation and consumption Provides a RESTful interface to a Kafka cluster
  26. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 27
  27. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Machine Learning 28 ... allows computers to find hidden insights without being explicitly programmed where to look.
  28. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Machine Learning 28 ... allows computers to find hidden insights without being explicitly programmed where to look. Machine Learning • Decision Trees • Naïve Bayes • Clustering • Neural Networks • etc.
  29. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Machine Learning 28 ... allows computers to find hidden insights without being explicitly programmed where to look. Machine Learning • Decision Trees • Naïve Bayes • Clustering • Neural Networks • etc. Deep Learning • CNN • RNN • Autoencoder • etc.
  30. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Real World Examples of Machine Learning 29 Email composition Search Results + Product Recommendation Healthcare screening Automated dialogue
  31. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Leverage Machine Learning to Analyze and Act on Critical Business Moments 30 Windows of Opportunity
  32. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Leverage Machine Learning to Analyze and Act on Critical Business Moments 30 Seconds Price Optimization Fraud Detection Cross Selling Windows of Opportunity
  33. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Leverage Machine Learning to Analyze and Act on Critical Business Moments 30 Seconds Minutes Price Optimization Fraud Detection Cross Selling Transportation Rerouting Customer Service Windows of Opportunity
  34. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Leverage Machine Learning to Analyze and Act on Critical Business Moments 30 Seconds Minutes Hours Price Optimization Predictive Maintenance Fraud Detection Cross Selling Transportation Rerouting Customer Service Inventory Management Windows of Opportunity
  35. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Languages, Frameworks, and Tools for Machine Learning 31 Portable Format for Analytics (PFA)
  36. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Languages, Frameworks, and Tools for Machine Learning 31 There is no all-rounder ! ML-independent infrastructure needed! Portable Format for Analytics (PFA)
  37. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka’s Open Source Ecosystem as Infrastructure for Machine Learning 32
  38. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka’s Open Source Ecosystem as Infrastructure for Machine Learning 32
  39. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka’s Open Source Ecosystem as Infrastructure for Machine Learning 32
  40. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Apache Kafka’s Open Source Ecosystem as Infrastructure for Machine Learning 33 Kafka Streams Kafka Connect Rest Proxy Schema Registry Go / .NET / Python Kafka Producer KSQL Kafka Streams
  41. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Replay-ability – A log never forgets! 34 Time Model B Model X Model A Producer Distributed Commit Log Different models with same data Different ML Frameworks AutoML compatible A/B Testing
  42. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 35
  43. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning the KAFKA STREAMS API is a 
  44. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37
  45. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere
  46. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you
  47. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you Exactly-once processing
  48. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you Exactly-once processing Event-time processing
  49. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you Exactly-once processing Event-time processing Integrated database
  50. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you Exactly-once processing Event-time processing Integrated database Joins, windowing, aggregation
  51. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Things Kafka Streams Does 37 Runs everywhere Clustering done for you Exactly-once processing Event-time processing Integrated database Joins, windowing, aggregation S/M/L/XL/XXL/XXXL sizes
  52. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 38 App Streams API Not running inside brokers!
  53. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 39 Brokers? Nope! App Streams API App Streams API App Streams API Same app, many instances
  54. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 40 Declarative Stream Language Processing KSQL is a
  55. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 41 KSQL is the Streaming SQL Engine for Apache Kafka
  56. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL in Development and Production 42 Interactive KSQL
 for development and testing REST “Hmm, let me try
 out this idea...”
  57. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL in Development and Production 42 Interactive KSQL
 for development and testing Headless KSQL
 for Production Desired KSQL queries have been identified REST “Hmm, let me try
 out this idea...”
  58. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for Real-Time Monitoring 43 • Log data monitoring, tracking and alerting • syslog data • Sensor / IoT data CREATE STREAM SYSLOG_INVALID_USERS AS SELECT HOST, MESSAGE FROM SYSLOG WHERE MESSAGE LIKE '%Invalid user%'; http://cnfl.io/syslogs-filtering / http://cnfl.io/syslog-alerting
  59. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for Real-Time Monitoring 44 http://cnfl.io/syslog-alerting
  60. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for Streaming ETL 45 CREATE STREAM vip_actions AS 
 SELECT userid, page, action FROM clickstream c LEFT JOIN users u ON c.userid = u.user_id 
 WHERE u.level = 'Platinum'; Joining, filtering, and aggregating streams of event data
  61. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for Streaming ETL 46 Denormalise streams of data from hetrogenous sources CSV CSV CSV Kafka Connect kafka-connect-spooldir Debezium Kafka Connect kafka-connect-s3 MySQL S3 KSQL
  62. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for Anomaly Detection 47 CREATE TABLE possible_fraud AS
 SELECT card_number, count(*)
 FROM authorization_attempts 
 GROUP BY card_number
 HAVING count(*) > 3; Identifying patterns or anomalies in real-time data, surfaced in milliseconds
  63. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning KSQL for ML scoring 48 CREATE STREAM possible_fraud AS
 SELECT txn_id, card_number
 FROM credit_card_txn_stream
 WHERE ANOMALY(txn_data) > 0.8; Apply Machine Learning models to live streams of data
  64. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning What we will talk about… •What is Apache Kafka? •IoT and Kafka •Machine Learning and Kafka •Stream Processing with Kafka •Put it all together : 
 IoT + Stream Processing + ML + Kafka! 49
  65. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Use Case: Anomaly Detection (Sensor Healthcheck) Machine Learning Algorithm: Autoencoder, built with H2O Streaming Platform: Apache Kafka and KSQL Live Demo – Prebuilt Model Embedded in KSQL Function 50
  66. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Overview ECG device Kafka Producer API 51
  67. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Overview KSQL Sensor data Scored data Apply ML model ECG device Kafka Producer API 51
  68. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Overview KSQL Sensor data Scored data Apply ML model Elasticsearch Kafka Connect All data ECG device Kafka Producer API 51
  69. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Overview KSQL Sensor data Scored data Apply ML model Elasticsearch Kafka Connect All data Kafka Consumer API Emergency system Critical Data ECG device Kafka Producer API 51
  70. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Training the model 52
  71. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Training the model 52 anomaly_model <- h2o.deeplearning( x = names(train_ecg), training_frame = train_ecg, activation = "Tanh", autoencoder = TRUE, hidden = c(50,20,50), sparse = TRUE, l1 = 1e-4, epochs = 100) R
  72. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Training the model 52 2.10,2.13,2.19,2.28,2.44,2.62,2.80,3.04,3.36,3.69,3.97,4.24,4.53,4.80,5.02,5.21,5.40,5.57,5.7 79,5.86,5.92,5.98,6.02,6.06,6.08,6.14,6.18,6.22,6.27,6.32,6.35,6.38,6.45,6.49,6.53,6.57,6.64, ,6.73,6.78,6.83,6.88,6.92,6.94,6.98,7.01,7.03,7.05,7.06,7.07,7.08,7.06,7.04,7.03,6.99,6.94,6. .83,6.77,6.69,6.60,6.53,6.45,6.36,6.27,6.19,6.11,6.03,5.94,5.88,5.81,5.75,5.68,5.62,5.61,5.54 9,5.45,5.42,5.38,5.34,5.31,5.30,5.29,5.26,5.23,5.23,5.22,5.20,5.19,5.18,5.19,5.17,5.15,5.14,5 5.16,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.14,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.13,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.16,5.15,5.15,5.1 14,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.13,5.14,5.14,5.11,5.12,5.12,5.12,5.09,5.09,5.09,5.10,5.08,5.08,5.08,5.08, ,5.05,5.06,5.07,5.05,5.03,5.03,5.04,5.03,5.01,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.01,5.00,5.00,5.02,5.01,4.98,5. .00,5.00,4.99,5.00,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.03,5.03,5.02,5.02,5.04,5.04,5.04,5.02,5.02,5.01,4.99,4.98 6,4.96,4.96,4.94,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,5.02,5.27,5.80,5.94,5.58,5.39,5.32,5.25,5.21,5.13,4 4.71,4.39,4.05,3.69,3.32,3.05,2.99,2.74,2.61,2.47,2.35,2.26,2.20,2.15,2.10,2.08 anomaly_model <- h2o.deeplearning( x = names(train_ecg), training_frame = train_ecg, activation = "Tanh", autoencoder = TRUE, hidden = c(50,20,50), sparse = TRUE, l1 = 1e-4, epochs = 100) R Training data
  73. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Training the model 52 2.10,2.13,2.19,2.28,2.44,2.62,2.80,3.04,3.36,3.69,3.97,4.24,4.53,4.80,5.02,5.21,5.40,5.57,5.7 79,5.86,5.92,5.98,6.02,6.06,6.08,6.14,6.18,6.22,6.27,6.32,6.35,6.38,6.45,6.49,6.53,6.57,6.64, ,6.73,6.78,6.83,6.88,6.92,6.94,6.98,7.01,7.03,7.05,7.06,7.07,7.08,7.06,7.04,7.03,6.99,6.94,6. .83,6.77,6.69,6.60,6.53,6.45,6.36,6.27,6.19,6.11,6.03,5.94,5.88,5.81,5.75,5.68,5.62,5.61,5.54 9,5.45,5.42,5.38,5.34,5.31,5.30,5.29,5.26,5.23,5.23,5.22,5.20,5.19,5.18,5.19,5.17,5.15,5.14,5 5.16,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.14,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.13,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.16,5.15,5.15,5.1 14,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.13,5.14,5.14,5.11,5.12,5.12,5.12,5.09,5.09,5.09,5.10,5.08,5.08,5.08,5.08, ,5.05,5.06,5.07,5.05,5.03,5.03,5.04,5.03,5.01,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.01,5.00,5.00,5.02,5.01,4.98,5. .00,5.00,4.99,5.00,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.03,5.03,5.02,5.02,5.04,5.04,5.04,5.02,5.02,5.01,4.99,4.98 6,4.96,4.96,4.94,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,5.02,5.27,5.80,5.94,5.58,5.39,5.32,5.25,5.21,5.13,4 4.71,4.39,4.05,3.69,3.32,3.05,2.99,2.74,2.61,2.47,2.35,2.26,2.20,2.15,2.10,2.08 anomaly_model <- h2o.deeplearning( x = names(train_ecg), training_frame = train_ecg, activation = "Tanh", autoencoder = TRUE, hidden = c(50,20,50), sparse = TRUE, l1 = 1e-4, epochs = 100) R Training data
  74. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Training the model 52 2.10,2.13,2.19,2.28,2.44,2.62,2.80,3.04,3.36,3.69,3.97,4.24,4.53,4.80,5.02,5.21,5.40,5.57,5.7 79,5.86,5.92,5.98,6.02,6.06,6.08,6.14,6.18,6.22,6.27,6.32,6.35,6.38,6.45,6.49,6.53,6.57,6.64, ,6.73,6.78,6.83,6.88,6.92,6.94,6.98,7.01,7.03,7.05,7.06,7.07,7.08,7.06,7.04,7.03,6.99,6.94,6. .83,6.77,6.69,6.60,6.53,6.45,6.36,6.27,6.19,6.11,6.03,5.94,5.88,5.81,5.75,5.68,5.62,5.61,5.54 9,5.45,5.42,5.38,5.34,5.31,5.30,5.29,5.26,5.23,5.23,5.22,5.20,5.19,5.18,5.19,5.17,5.15,5.14,5 5.16,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.14,5.15,5.14,5.14,5.13,5.15,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.16,5.15,5.15,5.1 14,5.15,5.15,5.14,5.13,5.14,5.14,5.11,5.12,5.12,5.12,5.09,5.09,5.09,5.10,5.08,5.08,5.08,5.08, ,5.05,5.06,5.07,5.05,5.03,5.03,5.04,5.03,5.01,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.01,5.00,5.00,5.02,5.01,4.98,5. .00,5.00,4.99,5.00,5.01,5.02,5.01,5.03,5.03,5.02,5.02,5.04,5.04,5.04,5.02,5.02,5.01,4.99,4.98 6,4.96,4.96,4.94,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,4.93,5.02,5.27,5.80,5.94,5.58,5.39,5.32,5.25,5.21,5.13,4 4.71,4.39,4.05,3.69,3.32,3.05,2.99,2.74,2.61,2.47,2.35,2.26,2.20,2.15,2.10,2.08 anomaly_model <- h2o.deeplearning( x = names(train_ecg), training_frame = train_ecg, activation = "Tanh", autoencoder = TRUE, hidden = c(50,20,50), sparse = TRUE, l1 = 1e-4, epochs = 100) R Training data Model
  75. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Applying the model to a stream of data 53 CREATE STREAM ecg_scored AS SELECT event_id, ANOMALY(SENSORINPUT) FROM health_sensor; 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23… KSQL Model 8 1.24412 9 2.12952
  76. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Stream the data to Elasticsearch with Kafka Connect 54 CREATE STREAM ecg_scored AS SELECT event_id, ANOMALY(SENSORINPUT) FROM health_sensor; 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23… KSQL Model Kafka Connect Elasticsearch 8 1.24412 9 2.12952
  77. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Event-driven, real-time Alerts on IoT data with KSQL 55 sensor_raw 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23…
  78. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Event-driven, real-time Alerts on IoT data with KSQL 55 CREATE STREAM ecg_scored AS SELECT event_id, ANOMALY(SENSORINPUT) FROM health_sensor; sensor_raw 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23… ecg_scored 8 1.24412 9 2.12952
  79. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Event-driven, real-time Alerts on IoT data with KSQL 55 CREATE STREAM ecg_scored AS SELECT event_id, ANOMALY(SENSORINPUT) FROM health_sensor; CREATE STREAM alerts AS SELECT * FROM ecg_scored WHERE ANOMALY > 1.5 sensor_raw 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23… ecg_scored 8 1.24412 9 2.12952 sensor_alerts 9 2.12952
  80. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Event-driven, real-time Alerts on IoT data with KSQL 55 CREATE STREAM ecg_scored AS SELECT event_id, ANOMALY(SENSORINPUT) FROM health_sensor; CREATE STREAM alerts AS SELECT * FROM ecg_scored WHERE ANOMALY > 1.5 ALERT APP sensor_raw 8 6.00#6.04#6.08#6.10#6.14… 9 5.24#5.22#5.22#5.22#5.23… ecg_scored 8 1.24412 9 2.12952 sensor_alerts 9 2.12952
  81. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Visualise the data in realtime 56
  82. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Kafka + Deep Learning - resources 57 https://github.com/kaiwaehner https://www.confluent.io/blog/
  83. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Confluent Open Source : Apache Kafka with a bunch of cool stuff! For free! 58 Database Changes Log Events loT Data Web Events … CRM Data Warehouse Database Hadoop Data
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  84. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning Free Books! 59 https://www.confluent.io/apache-kafka-stream-processing-book-bundle
  85. @rmoff / Processing IoT data with Apache Kafka, KSQL, and

    Machine Learning 60 @rmoff robin@confluent.io https://slackpass.io/confluentcommunity https://www.confluent.io/download/