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Building data-driven APIs at the edge

Building data-driven APIs at the edge

As presented at Serverless in the Park on 05 May 2022

Rob Sutter

May 09, 2022

More Decks by Rob Sutter

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  1. What you will learn • What are APIs at the

    edge? • How are edge functions di ff erent? • When should you use them? • How to choose a data store? • A note about authentication. Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  2. Who am I? • Head of DA at Fauna •

    Former AWS Serverless DA • Previous SaaS startup founder • Global active-active architecture • Mobile and web users Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  3. Classic serverless functions Example - AWS Lambda • Designed for

    single-region workloads • Isolated as Firecracker virtual machines • Long running - currently up to 15 minutes (wall time) • Big environments: • 10,240 MB of memory • Up to six vCPUs • Up to 10GB code with container image packaging format Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  4. Edge functions Example - Cloud fl are Workers • Originally

    designed for inbound HTTP requests at the edge • V8 isolates form the security boundary • Short-lived - up to 50ms of CPU time for Bundled Usage Model • Small environments: • Up to 128MB of memory • Shared processes in a single VM • 1MB code limit Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  5. Other changes at the edge • API Gateway is typically

    built in • Typically only JavaScript • Also WASM, so you can get Rust - kinda • Fewer related services
  6. Single-region data stores Advantages • Simpler to provision • Simpler

    to operate • Colocated with single-region assets Disadvantages • Latency for distant workloads Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  7. Single-region data stores Rob Sutter (@rts_rob) Region Location Distance (km)

    Speed of Light (ms) Observed latency (ms) 1 Des Moines, IA 0 0 0 2 Washington, DC 1600 5.337 16 3 New York, NY 1900 6.338 14 4 Charleston, SC 1920 6.404 21 5 Dallas, TX 1200 4.003 15 6 Denver, CO 1100 3.669 9 7 Los Angeles, CA 2800 9.340 16 8 San Francisco, CA 2900 9.673 23 9 Seattle, WA 2800 9.340 24 Simple Mean 1802 6.011 15.333
  8. Single-region data stores • AWS Aurora • MongoDB • PlanetScale

    • PostgreSQL • Xata Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  9. Multi-region data stores Advantages • Balanced latency • Transactions available

    • Various consistency models Disadvantages • Replication cost • Replication complexity • Maintaining consistency • Transactions (again) Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  10. Multi-region data stores • DynamoDB Global Tables • Fauna •

    Cloud fl are Workers Durable Objects Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  11. Edge data stores Advantages • Lowest latency • Single programming

    model • Integrated security model Disadvantages • Eventual consistency • Lack of transactions • Data visualization tooling Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)
  12. Review • What are APIs at the edge? • How

    are edge functions di ff erent? • When should you use them? • How to choose a data store? • A note about authentication. Rob Sutter (@rts_rob)