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Why can't we be friends: do corporations & FOSS...

Why can't we be friends: do corporations & FOSS really mix?

Many folks in the Python community appreciate and contribute to Free and Open Source Software. But sometimes, your employer may not be on your side. We present the current problem space that both community members and companies have for using and supporting FOSS. We then walk you through arguments and solutions to help increase your company's engagement with the community.

Note: Presented both at ApacheCon 2016 and PyCon US 2016

Lynn Root

May 31, 2015

More Decks by Lynn Root

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Why Can’t We be Friends? Do Corporations & FOSS really

    mix? Noa Resare | @blippie Lynn Root | @roguelynn
  2. A shared-resource system where individual users acting independently and rationally

    according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting that resource. – Wikipedia “ ”
  3. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each

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  5. Tragedy of the Commons, continued ‣ What is self interest?

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  6. What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others

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  7. What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others

    ‣ What barriers are there? ‣ Become friends with legal ‣ Financial contributions
  8. What can I do about it? ‣ Connect with others

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  9. Make Thoughtful Contributions ‣ High quality maintenance trumps features ‣

    Consider the existing community members ‣ Think long-term
  10. Why use FOSS? ‣ Stand on the shoulders of giants

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  11. Why use FOSS? ‣ Stand on the shoulders of giants

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  12. Examples to learn from: City of Munich We saw from

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  13. Examples to learn from: City of Munich … If they

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