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Research data management: An overview of curren...

Research data management: An overview of current activity in libraries in Australia

Presented at the Research Support Community Day, University of Melbourne, 3 February 2014

Sam Searle

March 31, 2014

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  1. Research Support Community Day University of Melbourne 3 February 2014

    Sam Searle eResearch Senior Specialist Information Services Griffith University [email protected] @datalibsam Research data management: An overview of current activity in libraries in Australia This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License.
  2. Common types of research data • Statistics and measurements •

    Results of experiments or simulations • Observations e.g. fieldwork • Survey results • Interview recordings and transcripts, and coding applied to these • Images, from cameras and scientific equipment • Textual source materials and annotations
  3. Warwick Anderson, CEO of NHMRC NHMRC has updated its policy

    on open access to published research, aligning us with the practices of other international health and medical research funders such as the UN National Institutes of Health, the UK Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. From July this year, we will be mandating the deposit of publication outputs arising from NHMRC funded research into an institutional repository within 12 months of publication. The next steps will be improving public and other researchers’ access to publicly funded data. NHMRC is a signatory to the Joint Statement on Data Sharing of Public Health Research, demonstrating our commitment to the timely and responsible sharing of public health data. All research funded by NHMRC to be accessible free of charge. The Conversation, 21 February 2012
  4. Role of data in scholarly communications Journal requirements Journal Research

    Data Policy Bank (JoRD) Citation advantage Piwowar et al (2007) Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate. PLoS ONE 2(3): e308. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000308 Data journals and data papers Guy, M. The Rise of the Data Journal. Presentation at IASSIST, June 2013. http://www.ands.org.au/publishing/data- journals.html
  5. Monash University • Research Data Management Subcommittee (est. 2006) •

    Research Data Management Advisory Group (est. 2009)
  6. Annual eResearch Conference Birds of a Feather sessions with librarian

    participation include: • User-Facing Data Services • Education and Training Recent collaborations at Griffith include: • Urban Water Security Research Alliance (UWSRA) – Qld State Government, Griffith, UQ, QUT, CSIRO, ANDS • Climate Change Adaptation – Federal Government, CSIRO, unis, local government natural resource management (NRM) networks
  7. In-house training for librarians at Monash, UQ, Griffith and others

    Training initiatives: • QUT Research Support Intensive • ALIA Research Support
  8. Data storage inquiry → team-based consultation Data storage solutions &

    migration planning Observation & consultation → issues report Code repository for versioning scientific workflows Data management planning & protocols
  9. Recent advertised jobs (Australia) • Data Librarians, Data Policy Advisor,

    Research Analyst, Metadata Analyst, Senior Research Data Management Specialist (ANDS) • Manager, Research Data Collections (UQ) • Digital Repositories Coordinator (VU) • Digital Archives Specialist (UniMelb) • Data Hubs Leader, Australian Urban Research Informatics Network (UniMelb) • Research Data Coordinator/Project Manager (ACU) • Data Librarian (UNSW) • Research Data Curator (UniMelb) • Data Manager, Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (Uni of Western Sydney)
  10. Recent advertised jobs (overseas) • Research Data Management Project Manager

    (Reading) • Research Data and Repository Manager (Lancaster) • Data Librarian (LSE) • Research Data Manager (Salford) • Research Librarian / Data Specialist, Institute of New Economic Thinking (Oxford) • Research Data Management Librarian (Open University) • Senior Data Librarian, Assistant Data Librarian (Bristol) • Research Data Management Service Coordinator (Edinburgh) • Director, Research Data Service (Illinois) • Data Research Librarian (Florida State) • Data Management Services Librarian (Ohio State) • Spatial Data Analyst/Curator, Informatics/Data Services Specialist and Biomedical/Research Services Specialist (Minnesota) • Data Curator (NYU) • Manager, Johns Hopkins University Data Management Services • Director of Curation Services (Inter- university Consortium for Political and Social Research)
  11. Changes to existing roles Andrew Cox, Eddy Verbaan, Barbara Sen.

    "Upskilling Liaison Librarians for Research Data Management". November 2012, Ariadne Issue 70 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue70/cox-et-al Networks and relationships Generic info mgt Skills development Existing open access role Sharing knowledge and good practice Priorities Skills / experience gaps Scale and complexity Not always easy to apply current practices to data
  12. Education • Few dedicated courses • But increasing inclusion of

    modules / components Training • Research support courses • Self-paced tutorials for librarians and researchers Workplace learning • Project secondments • Joint appointments • Peer mentoring / coaching Self-learning • Social networks • Journals • Email lists • Communities of practice Professional development
  13. Curriculum changes in LIS education • Few dedicated courses (e.g.

    5 LIS schools in the US offer graduate certificates explicitly in data management) • Increasing inclusion of data management components in more traditional qualifications • In Australia, Charles Sturt University began offering INF534 Data Management as a full-unit elective in 2012 Digital Curation Centre (UK). Data Management Courses and Training. Keralis, S. Data curation education: a snapshot. In L. Jahnke, A. Asher & S.D.C. Keralis. The Problem of Data. CLIR Publication 154. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2012.
  14. Training courses • Content in research support courses • Research

    support services for academic and special libraries (QUT, 1-week intensive) • Reskilling for Research (ALIA, 1-day) • Modules for librarians – self-paced or licensed for face- to-face • DIY Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians (University of Edinburgh) • Data Intelligence 4 Librarians - 3TU.Datacentrum (Delft, Eindhoven, Twente) and DANS • RDMRose – Sheffield, Leeds and York (8 x 0.5 days) • Self-paced training targeted at researchers • Training Resources - UK Data Archive
  15. Self-learning • Research data curation bibliography • Twitter • @andsdata,

    @simonhodson99, @sparrowbarley, @digitalcuration, @researchremix, @sjDCC, and many more… • Mendeley Group - Data Management for Librarians (200+ members, ~200 resources listed) • Journals • International Journal of Digital Curation • Journal of eScience Librarianship • Email lists • RESEARCH-DATAMAN and DATA-PUBLICATION (JISC, UK) • ARL-data-sharing-support-group (US) • ANDS-Partners – subscribe by email to [email protected] • Events • eResearch Australasia • ANDS events - face-to-face workshops and regular webinars