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Real-Time Open-Domain Question Answering with D...

Real-Time Open-Domain Question Answering with Dense-Sparse Phrase Index

Scatter Lab Inc.

July 17, 2019

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    Christmas Eve … Document Retrieval Reading Comprehension ৘ࣻ੄ ఍ࢤਸ ୷ೞೞח ೯ࢎо द੘ػ Ѫ਷ 4ࣁӝ ޖ۵ࠗఠ৓׮. ׼दীח ௼ܻझ݃झ੄ զ૞ о ੿ഛೞѱ ੿೧૑૑ ঋওӝ ٸޙী 1ਘ 6ੌ, 3ਘ 21ੌ, 12ਘ 25ੌ о਍ؘ ೞܖо ࢶ੿غ঻ ׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ੉ ௼ܻझ݃झ۽ ੗ܻ੟਷ Ѫ਷ AD 354֙, ੉റ੉׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ
  2. Motivation Query When is the Christmas? Christmas Jejus Christmas Tree

    Christmas Eve … Document Retrieval Reading Comprehension ৘ࣻ੄ ఍ࢤਸ ୷ೞೞח ೯ࢎо द੘ػ Ѫ਷ 4ࣁӝ ޖ۵ࠗఠ৓׮. ׼दীח ௼ܻझ݃झ੄ զ૞ о ੿ഛೞѱ ੿೧૑૑ ঋওӝ ٸޙী 1ਘ 6ੌ, 3ਘ 21ੌ, 12ਘ 25ੌ о਍ؘ ೞܖо ࢶ੿غ঻ ׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ੉ ௼ܻझ݃झ۽ ੗ܻ੟਷ Ѫ਷ AD 354֙, ੉റ੉׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ TF-IDF Searching SQuAD
  3. Motivation Query When is the Christmas? Christmas Jejus Christmas Tree

    Christmas Eve … Document Retrieval Reading Comprehension ৘ࣻ੄ ఍ࢤਸ ୷ೞೞח ೯ࢎо द੘ػ Ѫ਷ 4ࣁӝ ޖ۵ࠗఠ৓׮. ׼दীח ௼ܻझ݃झ੄ զ૞ о ੿ഛೞѱ ੿೧૑૑ ঋওӝ ٸޙী 1ਘ 6ੌ, 3ਘ 21ੌ, 12ਘ 25ੌ о਍ؘ ೞܖо ࢶ੿غ঻ ׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ੉ ௼ܻझ݃झ۽ ੗ܻ੟਷ Ѫ਷ AD 354֙, ੉റ੉׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ TF-IDF Searching SQuAD Error Propagation Ӓܻझ݃झ ࣛ۽؀୏ … X
  4. Motivation Query When is the Christmas? Christmas Jejus Christmas Tree

    Christmas Eve … Document Retrieval Reading Comprehension ৘ࣻ੄ ఍ࢤਸ ୷ೞೞח ೯ࢎо द੘ػ Ѫ਷ 4ࣁӝ ޖ۵ࠗఠ৓׮. ׼दীח ௼ܻझ݃झ੄ զ૞ о ੿ഛೞѱ ੿೧૑૑ ঋওӝ ٸޙী 1ਘ 6ੌ, 3ਘ 21ੌ, 12ਘ 25ੌ о਍ؘ ೞܖо ࢶ੿غ঻ ׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ੉ ௼ܻझ݃झ۽ ੗ܻ੟਷ Ѫ਷ AD 354֙, ੉റ੉׮. 12ਘ 25ੌ TF-IDF Searching SQuAD Super Slow Document Size ࣻরѤ੄ WIKi Model Size BERT-Large 10-100 sec/query ࢲ࠺झೡ ࣻ হ਺
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  6. Models Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of

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  7. Models Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of

    Jesus Christ, observed on December 25 Start Span Embed End Span Embed December 25 Phrase Encoding
  8. Models Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of

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  9. Sparse Encoding Models ੌ߈੸ੋ Document Retrieval + Reading Comprehension झఋੌ੉

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  10. Models Dense Encoding Token Embed dimਸ 4١࠙ ೧ࢲ 1,2,3,4 ۽

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  11. Training Training Efficiency ೞ૑݅ ਋ܻח ݏח ௪ܻী ؀೧ࢲ Positive ೞѱ

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  12. Result SQuAD 1.1 BERTࠁ׮ח ࢿמ੉ 8% ੿ب ծ਷Ѫ੉ ࢎप ೞ૑݅

    प ࢲ࠺झ۽ ٜ݅য૓ ݽ؛ীࢲח
 ӝઓ SOTA (DrQA) ؀࠺ ࢿמ਷ 4% ֫Ҋ
 ࣘبח DrQA 58ߓ ࡅܰҊ BERTࠁ׮ 6000ߓ ੿ب ࡅܴ