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The App Store Revolution Craze

The App Store Revolution Craze

I gave this presentation about (Mobile) App Stores at Multi-Mania in Belgium, Kortrijk to an audience of 100 designer and developers.

Conference: http://www.multi-mania.be/

Scott Janousek

May 19, 2009

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  1. This is a business presentation. This is an “awareness preso”.

    Very little code here. :) canHazCode_bool = false;
  2. Me From Boston, Massachusetts, USA 10 Years as a Web

    and Interactive (Flash) Developer 4 Years doing Flash (Lite) on Mobile & Devices Adobe Community Expert, Adobe Certified Trainer, & Adobe User Group Co-manager, Forum Nokia Champion (Flash) Mobile Book author & Adobe Community Blogger CEO/Founder - Hooken Mobile 5
  3. My Mobile “Genesis” My First Mobile Application (<eye tear>) “Mobile

    Conference Guide” FITC 2005 (Toronto, Canada) Flash Lite 1.1 (UI) + MySQL & PHP (backend) How many people used? 5 out of 500 = 1% No “App Stores” then (circa 2005) ... ;) Flash Lite 1.1 Mobile Guide App
  4. Flash Mobile Books “advancED Flash on Devices” Mobile Development with

    Flash Lite and Flash 10 Elad Elrom, Scott Janousek, Thomas Joos ISBN-10: 1-4302-1904-1 “Work in Progress” Flash Applications for Mobile Devices Richard Leggett, Scott Janousek, Weyert Boer ISBN: 1590595580 Published: Dec 2006 www.flashmobilebook.com www.friendsofED.com
  5. Hooken Mobile 4 years in business Mobile Consultancy (Client Service

    focused) Application Development & Flash Mobile Training Going Forward ... Flash, Android, iPhone, potentially webOS ... more Products. 11 www.hookenmobile.com
  6. MassMobile User Group User Group in Boston for Mobile Developers

    25 developers, 3 meetings ... started in Jan 2009 Android & iPhone (mostly) Me = (currently) the only “Flash guy” ;) Our talks = business and technical www.meetup.com/massmobile
  7. Mobile Monday Boston www.momoboston.com Regularly > 400 attendees > 200

    mobile companies Boston Mobile Companies = $215 Million (USD) in Q1, 2009 “momoboston” on April 2009 at MIT
  8. How many people ... Have an iPhone? Have a Nokia?

    Have an Android device? BlackBerry? Have OTHER portable and mobile devices? How many people have > 1 mobile device?
  9. How many people ... Have downloaded/installed a mobile app? :)

    Are new to Mobile Development? Have created a mobile application? iPhone developers? Android? Flash Mobile? Other? Are making money off mobile apps? Having lots of fun with mobile development? :)
  10. Some Mobile Jargon OEMs = Original Equipment Manufacturers Carriers/Operators =

    Phone companies Content = Mobile “Apps”, games, other Media Gardens (open/closed) = Ecosystem Setups Fragmentation = (SW/HW) inconsistencies across devices/platforms 20 Handsets = SmartPhones/Mobile Phones App = (Mobile) Software Application Emulators = Mobile Testing Software Target(s) = Devices and/or platforms you are working with/developing for ... and many more. No shortage of industry terms! :)
  11. Portable Devices NetBooks and UMPC type devices Mobile Internet Devices

    (MIDs = Nokia N810) Portable Media Players (PMPs = iPod Touch, iRiver, etc) “Feature Phones” (aka “Cell Phones”) SmartPhones (iPhone, N97, G1, BlackBerry) 22
  12. SmartPhone Platforms Apple iPhone Google Android Nokia (Symbian S60) Black

    Berry/RIM Microsoft Windows Mobile Palm webOS 24
  13. SmartPhones iPhone (OSX) Palm Pre (Palm OS) Nokia N97 (Symbian)

    G1 (Android) BlackBerries (RIM) Windows Mobile Devices (“6.5”) 25
  14. “Rough” Device Numbers Android iPhone Nokia S60 Windows Mobile Black

    Berry (RIM) Others > 1 million 20-40 million > 140 Million > 30 Million > 30 Million 1 Billion “Device numbers aren’t everything ... but they are always part of the overall equation. More importantly is the Quality (of user experience) vs. Quantity.” - Me
  15. Fragmentation Example: Device “A” supports a specific feature, but ...

    Device “B” doesn’t Causes = OEMS, Operators Occurs = Hardware, Software Levels “Workaround” = multiple versions of an app! ;( “A motion-sensing 3D game with a GPS social networking feature won't work on a lot of Windows Mobile handsets, but a 2D, keypad-controlled Asteroids clone won't necessarily make a developer rich.”
  16. Mobile Content Types Screen savers & Wallpapers Mobile User Interfaces

    Ring tones Media (Music, Video, Photos) Applications (Games, Productivity, etc)
  17. “The Perfect Storm” Better Mobile User Experiences Device Capabilities Better

    Connectivity Powerful Devices (Smartphones) Distribution Channels for making Money! Users are consuming content! Compelling Apps!
  18. Old vs. New Mobile App Stores + Developer Imagination +

    Entrepreneurial Spirit = Fun and Money Operator Deck + Developer Imagination + Operator Greed = Blood, Sweat, Tears (& Money) OLD NEW
  19. Mobile Print Ad in USA Verizon Wireless (U.S.A Operator) We

    did not have these “App ads” 1 year ago! “iphone like” ;)
  20. Target App Consumer “I’m downloading around 2-10 apps a day

    (yeah, I’m completely addicted), and it seems like 90% of them are complete ju<beep>nk. (but usually a fancy one ...)” - an iPhone content consumer
  21. “Show me the Money!” Projects for Hire Consultancy Private and

    Public Funding Ad Funded “Challenges and Contests” App Stores = Revenue Splits
  22. Selling Apps Price Points $ 0.99 popular for iPhone (iTunes)

    Otherwise: FREE to PAID Amount Mobile Ads (worth it?) Subscription Model Tie-ins Pay for feature add-ons popular in future ...
  23. Mobile App Review Sites AppVee (Boston based company- Android &

    iPhone) Apptism iphoneapppreviews.net Frame27.blogspot.com (Flash Mobile Games) Many, many, others ...
  24. What is a “Craze”? Definition: “a popular or widespread fad,

    fashion, etc.; mania: the newest dance craze.”
  25. SmartPhone App Stores Windows Mobile Marketplace Nokia OVI Store Android

    AppMarket BlackBerry AppWorld Apple iPhone AppStore The Result (“The craze”) ... “Catalyst” Palm App Catalog
  26. Apple AppStore Launched in 2008 Over 1 billion apps downloaded

    & > 40,000 applications available Distribution = iTunes (Desktop) & iPhone/iPod (On Device Catalog) Developer Program Fee = $99 USD/ $299 USD Revenue Split: 30% (Apple), 70% (Dev) SDK and Dev Tools (XCode) 55
  27. iPhone App Store Stats 1,000,000,000 downloads (Q2, 2009) xx,000,000 device

    users (how many users are consuming content? Lots.) 40,000 apps
  28. Some Pros & Cons Strong Brand (“Trendy”) Simple Purchase Process

    Great (Mobile) UX Low Barrier to Dev Entry Less Fragmentation 20 million devices “1 Hit Wonder” Applications Getting “lost” within App Store “Knockoffs Apps” Saturated Marketplace No Adobe Flash Player
  29. Flash App to iPhone: Porting Process Thomas Joos (Belgium based)

    Flash & Flash Lite Designer/Developer Mobile Project Discussion
  30. Android App Market Launched in 2008 Million of apps downloaded

    & hundreds of applications available Distribution = G1 (On Device Catalog) Developer Program Fee = $25 USD Revenue Split: 30% (Google), 70% (Dev) Open Source (Android SDK)
  31. Some Pros & Cons Sideload off deck 24 hour return

    policy Open Source roots Adopted outside of SmartPhones Device(s) not “stellar” Experience good, but not excellent Fragmentation likely People expect FREE? Low Device #’s now
  32. Launched 2009 Dev Cost = $200 USD per 10 apps

    No new SDK or dev tools Payment = Paypal Revenue Split = 80% (dev)/20% PricePoint of App: FREE or >= $2.99 67 BlackBerry AppWorld
  33. Some Pros and Cons Strong Business Brand User base has

    money to spend! Very Popular Communication User base is older age group ... not as “mobile savvy” Expensive Development High Pricing Barrier
  34. Windows Mobile Marketplace ETA: Q4 2009 Windows Mobile 6.5 Devices

    $99/year to push 5 apps $99 per Additional Application Revenue Split: 30% / 70% (dev) Promising (TBD) ... App Approval Transparency, 24-hour return policy, wide device support, non-exclusivity
  35. Some Pros & Cons Lots of Devices Heavy Branding Microsoft

    “Muscle” Lots of existing apps to port/reuse ... Windows Mobile Devices not quite “trendy” (yet) Fragmentation likely? Still Early on details (Windows Mobile 7?)
  36. Palm App Catalog ETA = TBD (device rumored June 2009

    in U.S.) Private SDK Beta available Distribution = Palm Pre (on Sprint Network) Developer Program Fee = TBD Revenue Split: TBD Web Development Tools & SDK (webOS, Mojo)
  37. Pros & Cons (TBD) Pre = compelling device Easy to

    Develop (Web Apps)! Potential Limited Device API Web Apps = Less Powerful Apps?
  38. Nokia OVI Store 76 ETA = End of May, or

    June 2009 Distribution = 40+ million devices S40 Feature Phones & S60 SmartPhones Developer Program Fee = FREE Revenue Split: 30% (Nokia), 70% (Dev) ** App listings are free & unlimited, Symbian certificates are NOT free Supports Flash Lite, Java, Native Symbian S60, etc
  39. Some Pros & Cons Global Market Not only Apps, but

    other “media types” “Open Policies” Nokia 5800 ... & N97! Limited U.S. Market Symbian/S60 = Aging Mobile Experience Fragmentation
  40. 3rd Party Flash Lite Content Aggregators Independent Content Aggregator (Flash

    Lite, etc) “Old School” Symbian, Windows Mobile, etc Content Aggregator Independent Content Aggregator (Flash Lite, etc) - Ad Funded Independent Content Aggregator (Flash Lite, etc) ZED Content Aggregator (Flash Lite, etc)
  41. Flash Lite Opportunities Nokia: Calling All Innovators www.callingallinnovators.org Open Screen

    Project ($10M USD Fund) www.openscreenproject.org Flash Lite Developer Challenge ($100 K) www.flashlitedeveloperchallenge.com Publish to OVI (App) Store publish.ovi.com
  42. www.mobiledevjobs.org Looking for a job in the mobile industry? Free

    mobile job posting sites iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, webOS, BlackBerry, Java, and more. Global reach and mobile platform independent
  43. Flash on Tap 2009 Beer Festival + Flash Conference May

    28-30, 2009 in Boston, USA www.flashontap.com
  44. Potential Future What will App Stores and Mobile Content be

    like in 2-3 years? Is there a Mobile App Store “Bubble” forming (recall DOT COM era)? Are “App Stores” the next big thing on other devices besides SmartPhones? (e.g. netbooks?) 88