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GCP NEXT Tokyo GCP事例 CyberAgent Game事業  GKEで変える...

GCP NEXT Tokyo GCP事例 CyberAgent Game事業  GKEで変える開発スタイル

GCP NEXT World Tour Tokyo

CyberAgent SGE Engineer

September 06, 2016

More Decks by CyberAgent SGE Engineer

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  1. • 吳䒭⠓爡؟؎غ٦ؒ٦آؑٝز • SGE窟䭍劤鿇䪮遭窟䭍㹓CTO • 涯❁խ薉 • ؒٝآص، • Twitter

    @goodoo • Blog http://ameblo.jp/goodoo • DQ10 ּׅ׍׬(FB392-435) فؙٔه 偆蔓➂ ֶ⵸ծ铩״
  2. Source Push ↓ Source build + Unit Test ↓ Web

    API container docker build ↓ nginx container docker build ↓ migration ↓ deploy
  3. node Service + Pods branch A branch B branch C

  4. node port:1234 /var/www/feature/1234 ⟃⵸node.js׾⢪׏ג׋儗ך䊨㣗 node port:1235 /var/www/feature/1235 node port:1236 /var/www/feature/1236

    node port:1237 /var/www/feature/1237 nginx 1234.example.com 1235.example.com 1236.example.com 1237.example.com server { listen 80; server_name ~^(?<port>\d+)\.example\.com; location / { set $url example.com; proxy_pass http://$url:${port}; } }
  5. ث؛حز殢〾הURL׾穠ןאֽ dev.example.com 1200.example.com 1312.example.com server { listen 80; server_name ~^(?<branch>.+)\.example\.com;

    location / { set $url nginx-service-${branch}; proxy_pass http://$url.default.svc.cluster.local; } } nginxךService 䮶׶ⴓֽ欽 Service API Serverך nginx-service-dev nginx-service-1200 nginx-service-1312 Serviceせ