making very frequent small changes if you've only changed one thing at a time, it is really easy to figure out what broke the site Robert Johnson
you released frequently, so the delta between what is currently in production and the new release is small. If that were true, the risk of release would be greatly diminished
are reducing the amount of complexity that has to be dealt with at any one time by the people working on the batch. Break down large releases into small units of deployment 2012: Damon Edwards * published March 2012
a day. And there's good reason for that: it's safer overall. Incremental deploys are easier to understand and fix than one gigantic deploy once a year. 2014: Github * published October 2014
due to understandable fear unfortunately, this means that our changes build up between releases 2015: Building Microservices * book published February 2015
to say that we now know that smaller and more frequent changes are much safer than larger and less frequent changes ship early, ship often, ship smaller change sets