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7 Things: How to make good teams great

Sven Peters
February 08, 2012

7 Things: How to make good teams great

Developing a product over years is a tough job. It is hard for the team to stay excited on a day to day basis. So how can you improve motivation and innovation of agile teams and still keep the focus on building a great product?
I want to share with you how we at Atlassian used an agile approach to become one of the most successful developer tool companies in the world. This talk will cover topics like Ship It days, 20-percent time, keeping distraction away from developers, lunchtime talks, dogfooding and much more.

Sven Peters

February 08, 2012

More Decks by Sven Peters

Other Decks in Programming


  1. vs.

  2. Reality Check: How  easy  is  it  to  implement  in  a

     corporate  environment? How  great  will  your  team  be? Feasibility Points: Awesomeness Points:
  3. Feel free to recognise someone for something awesome they've done

    (no approval required!) To recognise a colleague, please click here. „ Atlassian Extranet
  4. W e‘re w ild about collecting data Time Features completed

    Code Reviews Builds Testserver Performance Velocity Cycle Time Lead Time Sales Evaluations Web Traffic Ads Support cases Customer Satisfaction Response Time Applicants Phone Interviews
  5. about sharing data W e‘re w ild Alistair  Cockburn Is

    it hot in here, or is it my ? Information Radiator
  6. ! To achieve great things, two things are needed: a

    plan and not quite enough time. Leaonard  Bernstein
  7. Go Code :;while [ $? -eq 0 ];do nc -vlp

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  8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 It‘s Flowtime Feed

    your Brain Say: “Well done“ Report Robot Eat your own Dogfood Experimentation Time Do a Special Day 7