Presenters: Christoph Böhme / Michael Büchner (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Germany / Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, Germany)
The German National Library has published a new web service called Entity Facts. The main goal of Entity Facts is to provide aggregated information about entities from various sources in a way that makes it easy to present this data to the user. The information provided by Entity Facts is based on the Integrated Authority File (Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND) - the main authority file used in the German-speaking world - and merged with other sources such as Wikipedia, VIAF or IMDb. The information is provided as machine- and human-readable data in a straightforward and lightweight way via an Application Programming Interface (API). Our intention is to enable reuse of authority data for developers who do not have domain specific knowledge. This is realized through an easy to understand JSON-LD data model, which is providing ready-to-use data. Linking to and merging data from different sources offers new and ever improving possibilities for data enrichments. The infrastructure of the service is designed to extend and update the data sets easily. In our contribution we introduce the main goals, the present status and the features of Entity Facts, we plan to develop in future. The Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) acts as a pilot partner and is the first client to use the service in a productive scenario. The data sets provided by Entity Facts (e.g. the data set provided for J. W. v. Goethe) establish the basis for the entity pages about persons in the DDB portal ( J. W. v. Goethe). A short demonstration will illustrate the current functionality. The presentation will close with a road map for the future development of Entity Facts.