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kotlin season 1 - Part 14 RecyclerView와 Retrofit

November 13, 2016

kotlin season 1 - Part 14 RecyclerView와 Retrofit

2016년 유데미 Kotlin 강의를 공개합니다.

동영상 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWUzCi5CHL4

2회 분은 유데미에서 확인 가능합니다.


November 13, 2016

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  1. ࢠ೒ ௏٘ח!!! • Sample Code GitHub ࠳۠஖ : 09-Retrofit-RecyclerView •

    https://github.com/taehwandev/Kotlin-Udemy-Sample/tree/ 09-Retrofit-RecyclerView ରࣁ؀ উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ ঱য ௏ౣܽ, द੘ೞӝ thdev.tech, 2016 2
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  3. Retrofit੄ interface ੿੄ interface FlickrServiceInterface { @POST("?method=flickr.interestingness.getList&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&api_key=" + BuildConfig.FLICKR_API_KEY) fun

    getFlickrRecentPhotos( @Query("page") page: Int): Call<PhotoResponse> } ରࣁ؀ উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ ঱য ௏ౣܽ, द੘ೞӝ thdev.tech, 2016 5
  4. Retrofitҗ োѾೞӝ object PhotoDataSource { val FLICKR_URL = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/" private

    val flickrServiceInterface: FlickrServiceInterface init { flickrServiceInterface = createRetrofit(FlickrServiceInterface::class.java, FLICKR_URL) } fun getRecentPhoto(page: Int) = flickrServiceInterface.getFlickrRecentPhotos(page) } ରࣁ؀ উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ ঱য ௏ౣܽ, द੘ೞӝ thdev.tech, 2016 6
  5. Retrofitীࢲ ߉਷ ؘ੉ఠ ୊ܻ photoDataSample?.getRecentPhoto(++page) ?.enqueue(object : Callback<PhotoResponse> { override

    fun onResponse(call: Call<PhotoResponse>?, response: Response<PhotoResponse>?) { // ࢿҕೞ৓ਸ ҃਋ ୊ܻ } override fun onFailure(call: Call<PhotoResponse>?, t: Throwable?) { // पಁೞ৓ਸ ҃਋ ୊ܻ } }) ରࣁ؀ উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ ঱য ௏ౣܽ, द੘ೞӝ thdev.tech, 2016 7
  6. RecyclerView.Adapterীࢲ ࢎਊೡ Model/ Viewܳ ੿੄ interface ImageViewAdapterContract { interface View

    { fun reload() } interface Model { fun addItem(item: PhotoItem) } } ରࣁ؀ উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ ঱য ௏ౣܽ, द੘ೞӝ thdev.tech, 2016 9
  7. RecyclerView.Adapterী ࢚ࣘ߉ӝ class ImageAdapter(private val context: Context) : RecyclerView.Adapter<ImageViewHolder>(), ImageViewAdapterContract.View,

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  8. Retrofitਵ۽ ߉਷ ؘ੉ఠܳ Adapterী ࣇ౴ೞҊ, reload val photoResponse = response?.body()

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  11. ଵҊ੗ܐ • HTTP ాनਸ ਤೠ Retrofit ࢎਊೞӝ • RecyclerView ࢎਊೞӝ

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