[TASK] Predict unknown NULL electricity usage 63 with null_samples as ( select id, array_concat( categorical_features( array('Chicago community area', 'Primary use of property'), community_area, primary_property_type ), quantitative_features( array('Total interior floor space', 'Building age', 'Number of buildings'), gross_floor_area___buildings__sq_ft_, data_year - year_built, num_of_buildings ) ) as features from chicago_smart_green.energy_benchmarking where electricity_use__kbtu_ is null ), features_exploded as ( select id, extract_feature(fv) as feature, extract_weight(fv) as value from null_samples t1 LATERAL VIEW explode(features) t2 as fv ) select t1.id, sum(p1.weight * t1.value) as predicted_electricity_consumption from features_exploded t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN model p1 ON (t1.feature = p1.feature) group by t1.id