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Gestaltung digitaler Lösungen – Produktions- od...

November 18, 2024

Gestaltung digitaler Lösungen – Produktions- oder Designprozess?

In diesem Vortrag wird die Diskrepanz zwischen dem traditionellen Produktionsprozessansatz und einem designorientierten Ansatz in einer DevOps-Welt beleuchtet. Was auf den ersten Blick als akademische Frage anmutet, kann in der konkreten Unternehmenspraxis einen großen Unterschied machen, da Designprozesse grundsätzlich anders strukturiert werden als Produktionsprozesse. Durch Beispiele wird verdeutlicht, wie der holistische Ansatz des Digital Solution Design, Anwenderbedürfnisse, Geschäftsanforderungen und IT-Technologie gleichermaßen berücksichtigt, um zu erfolgreichen digitalen Lösungen zu gelangen.

Key Takeaways:

- Wie wirkt der Ansatz des Digital Solution Design auf bestehende DevOps-Prozesse und kann gleichzeitig die Qualität der digitalen Lösung erhöhen?

- Welche konkreten Schritte können Unternehmen angehen, um eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung von Anwenderbedürfnissen, Geschäftsanforderungen und IT-Technologien in ihren DevOps-Praktiken zu implementieren?

- Welche Auswirkungen hat die Einführung eines designorientierten Ansatzes auf die Organisationsstruktur, die Arbeitsweise der Teams und die Kultur innerhalb eines Unternehmens, insbesondere im Hinblick auf die Verbindung von Anwenderbusiness und IT?


November 18, 2024

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  1. Creating Digital Solutions Production or Design? DB Systel GmbH |

    Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | Berlin | 19.11.2024
  2. About me DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise

    DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 2 • > 20 years experience in IT-industry • > 10 years experience in leadership roles • DevOps enthusiast • Eager to help individuals, teams and organizations getting better • Open heart for people My current role: “Agility Master Customer Experience”
  3. 3 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps

    Summit | 19.11.2024 Production Design or How do we create Digital Solutions?
  4. Production 4 DB Systel GmbH | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19/11/2024 Design ▪ Create new innovative solutions for specific problems ▪ Flexibility is crucial for adapting to market and technological changes ▪ Iterations play a central role for integrating feedback into the product ▪ Although errors may incur high costs they are seen as necessary part of the learning process ▪ Efficient and reproducible creation of a product with a minimum number or errors ▪ Small continuous improvements with a given production setup ▪ Preventing errors is crucial since errors always create high costs
  5. Economic Pressure! 6 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  6. Comparing Time-Scales of Design, Production and Support Phase (Schematic) 7

    DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 a) Digital Solutions (e.g. Web-Shop, SaaS) Design Phase Production Phase (basically, a CI/CD pipeline run) Support Phase b) Industrial Good (e.g. Cars, Machines etc.) Design Phase Production Phase Support Phase Multiple Times per Day Days or Months
  7. Comparing Costs of Design, Production and Support (Schematic) 9 DB

    Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 a) Digital Solutions (e.g. Web-Shop, SaaS) Design Phase Production Phase (basically, a CI/CD pipeline run) Support Phase b) Industrial Good (i.e. Cars, Machines etc.) Production Phase Design Phase Support Phase
  8. Let’s Improve Digital Solution Design! 10 DB Systel | Dr.

    Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 Design Phase Support Phase
  9. Action Space of Digital Solution Design DB Systel | Dr.

    Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 11 People Business Technology Overview Insight Clarity Needs of Users and Stakeholders Benefit for Business Success Opportunities offered by Technology
  10. Digital Solution Design is shaped by People, Business and Technology

    DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 12
  11. Artefacts > Processes 13 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk

    | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  12. Information Building Blocks DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 14
  13. A Real World Example: The Design Journey of DB Curbside

    Management DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 15 People Business Technology Overview Insight Clarity Parallel Development of Commercial Product Technical Design & Development Business Process Modeling, Friendly User-Tests Development of Freemium-Product Collapsing Market Deprecation Strategy Sales User-Research Product-Market-Fit Product-Solution-Fit „Klickdummy“ Go-Live Freemium-Product IT Sec Process, Pen-Test, Technical Cloud Migration Re-Architecting (Scaling) ADR, Capability-Map Gaining new Customers With slightly different use-cases Requirements, Capability Map Participation in Tenders Gap Analysis Business Idea, Business Case BMC, VPC
  14. Design is not a linear process! 16 DB Systel |

    Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  15. People Business Technology Overview Insight Clarity Where to optimize Digital

    Solution Design? DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 17 Risk / Chances Area of Effectiveness Area of Efficiency
  16. Around 20 % of features are never used! 18 DB

    Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  17. Effectiveness > Efficiency 19 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk

    | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  18. What about this GenAI thing? 20 DB Systel | Dr.

    Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  19. People Business Technology Overview Insight Clarity Where to optimize? DB

    Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 21 Risk / Chances Area of Effectiveness Area of Efficiency Start here with GenAI
  20. 22 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps

    Summit | 19.11.2024 1. Feature Prioritization ChatGPT can analyze a list of proposed features and help prioritize them based on user feedback and market trends, ensuring that the most important and valuable features are developed first. 2. Prototyping and User Stories Based on interviews and surveys, ChatGPT can draft user stories and personas that reflect the key needs and expectations of users. 3. Support in Decision-Making By providing data-driven recommendations and predictive analyses, ChatGPT can support management and design teams in making informed, evidence-based decisions. How may GenAI-Services like ChatGPT enhance the effectiveness of Digital Solution Design – especially the areas „Overview" and „Insight" Let’s ask ChatGPT
  21. Conclusion DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps

    Summit | 19.11.2024 23 3. Effectiveness Eats Efficiency for Breakfast: Focus on Improving the Effectiveness of your Digital Design; consider efficiency subsequently! 2. Holistic View: You can’t separate business and IT anymore. Thus, bring the people together! The holistic approach which fosters collaboration between experts of different disciplines is crucial for the creation of successful digital solutions. 1. It’s Design, Stupid! Creating digital solutions is a continuous and complex design task. Successful digital solution design considers the needs of the users, the needs of the business and the possibilities of modern technology. 4. Use GenAI in the Entire Design Space: Do not focus your GenAI-activities only on efficiency. Start your GenAI activities in the area of effectiveness!
  22. 24 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk | Enterprise DevOps

    Summit | 19.11.2024 Design requires… … iterations … continuous learning … craftmanship … discipline … collaboration
  23. …and creativity! 25 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  24. Aargh! Creativity? 26 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024
  25. Creativity Framing 27 DB Systel | Dr. Martin Strunk |

    Enterprise DevOps Summit | 19.11.2024 Creative Result: Frame: First Line: One Word Second Line: Two Words Third Line: Three Words Fourth Line: Four Words Fifth Line: One Word Idee Entsteht unerwartet Wächst durch Gedanken Vernetzt sich digital neu Innovation
  26. Contact Dr. Martin Strunk Agility Master Customer Experience [email protected] DB

    Systel GmbH Jürgen-Ponto-Platz 1 | 60329 Frankfurt/Main Thank you for your attention