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Publishing scientific papers in the 21st century

Publishing scientific papers in the 21st century

Part of "Wiley Research APAC Webinars", join Alberto Pepe and Matteo Cavalleri to discover how preprints, open data, interactive figures, multimedia elements, and code integration are changing research communication in scholarly journals.

The format of science papers and articles now have hardly changed since the 17th century, even though research methods and published content have evolved immensely. Why do scientists produce innovative modern-day research, but still publish it in a 400-year-old format? What can we do to produce scientific articles ‘of the future’ that better serve the global, collaborative, and data-rich science of the 21st century?

Alberto Pepe, Senior Director, Strategy and Innovation, Atypon and Matteo Cavalleri, Publisher, Wiley will be discussing Wiley’s vision of the scientific article, and how preprints, interactive figures, multimedia elements and code integration are innovating scholarly publications.

Matteo Cavalleri

April 07, 2021

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  1. Research is becoming more computational, collaborative, data- driven, automated, and

    web-based. Researchers produce 21st century research Written up using 20th century technology Published in a 17th century format Most paper formats are not natively collaborative, data-driven, version controlled, or backwards compatible. A centuries-old research “paper” is much like papers we publish, share and read today (i.e., static, 2D PDFs)

    data, code, notebooks, visualizations outputs: flat, static print pdfs 1 2 3
  3. P R E P R I N T S AT

    W I L E Y “Through policy, and through the Under Review service, Wiley embraces preprints and the early sharing of research
  4. P R E P R I N T S AT

    W I L E Y “Through policy, and through the Under Review service, Wiley embraces preprints and the early sharing of research So… 🤔 Why not use preprints to experiment with 21st century publishing?💡
  5. S U B M I S S I O N

    S Y S T E M S 7 ReX P R E P R I N T S E R V E R S L I V E L I V E P L A N N E D P L A N N E D
  6. APR 9 When manuscript is assigned to reviewers, it is

    ingested and posted with DOI: citeable and shareable. APR-SEP Peer review timeline automatically updated as manuscript goes through review SEP 17 Paper published, link to Version of Record APR 8 Author submits manuscript to journal and opts in Under Review U N D E R R E V I E W I N A C T I O N
  7. Peer review timeline, DOI, and preprint disclaimer If manuscript is

    rejected at any point by journal the peer review timeline is removed entirely
  8. Preprint posted on Wiley and journal collections If manuscript is

    rejected at any point by journal it is removed from these collections
  9. Written up using 20th century technology Published in a 17th

    century format Researchers produce 21st century research What’s wrong with that?
  10. Researchers analyze data interactively in the lab, it takes work

    for them to make them static and dumb for a article publication
  11. Supplementary Information are where data go to die Where is

    the code? Does it even work in my computer? …while data and code may be available in repositories external to the corresponding article, it takes readers and reviewers considerable effort to verify the software and re-run analyses with, say, changed parameters. 10.22541/au.160211021.13787691/v1

    outputs: 21st century publications 1 2 3 PREPRINT inputs: data, code, notebooks, visualizations - Authors can upload rich media - Peer reviewers can access rich media
  13. In edit mode, author can add data, code, Jupyter notebooks,

    and replace static figures with interactive figures
  14. All rich media objects (data, code, notebooks, and interactive visualizations)

    are pushed and published in the Version of Record
  15. All rich media objects (data, code, notebooks, and interactive visualizations)

    are pushed and published in the version of records Data are connected to the figure that describe them. They are discoverable, indexable, citable, and usable Data in articles lack depth and breadth Supplementary Information are where data go to die
  16. Where is the code? Does it even work in my

    computer? The code is in the figure, in an executable time capsule
  17. “One picture is worth one thousand words…. …then a video

    is worth 1.8M words* * 1 min of video, 30 pictures per seconds
  18. Join us in the future Thank you very much! Questions?

    apepe@atypon.com mcavalleri@wiley.com