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So, you want to run a hackathon?

So, you want to run a hackathon?

Presented at DevRelCon Tokyo 2019

Terence Huynh

March 09, 2019

More Decks by Terence Huynh

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  1. So, you want to 
 run a hackathon? Terence Huynh

    Founder, UNIHACK Inc terencehuynh.com
  2. terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? 2014

    first hackathon
 year 300+ students attending 
 our events in 2018 940+ members on our 
 UNIHACKers group 12 UNIHACK
  3. terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? Theme

    & Focus The Imagination Hackathon Helping charities 
 solve social problems Using open government data Creating 
 new startups
  4. • Audience
 Internal vs External vs Community • Participation

    on-site, or both • Length
 How long will people have to build? terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? Format
  5. 1. Venue 2. Budget 3. Teamwork 4. Prep Time terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON?
  6. 1. Venue 2. Budget 3. Teamwork 4. Prep Time terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON?
  7. terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? Venue

    Checklist • Enough room to fit everyone • Decent power and reliable wi-fi • Air conditioning or heating • Presentation area and setup • Overnight? Check if you can use their showers
  8. 1. Venue 2. Budget 3. Teamwork 4. Prep Time terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON?
  9. LET’S TALK ABOUT REACT NATIVE terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh Melbourne 2018 Budget

    3% 2% 15% 32% 26% 22% Food Prizes Venue* Swag Mixer Night Misc Food $8500 Prizes $9800 Venue (in-kind) $12000 Swag $5800 Mixer Night $700 Misc $1000
  10. LET’S TALK ABOUT REACT NATIVE terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh Melbourne 2015 Budget

    7% 25% 12% 40% 16% Food Prizes Venue Swag MIxer Night Misc Food $2000 Prizes $5000 Venue $1500 Swag $3200 Mixer Night $0 Misc $850
  11. 1. Venue 2. Budget 3. Teamwork 4. Prep Time terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON?
  12. 1. Venue 2. Budget 3. Teamwork 4. Prep Time terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON?
  13. terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? Hackathon

    Internal Hackathons
 1-2 months External Hackathons
 4-6 months
  14. Don’t claim to own IP produced in the hack terencehuynh.com

    @terencehuynh SO YOU WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? … unless it’s an internal company hackathon
  15. Do have a code of conduct terencehuynh.com
 @terencehuynh SO YOU

    WANT TO RUN A HACKATHON? Need one? https:/ /hackcodeofconduct.org/