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Presented by:
Sumant Mallavaram - HDR

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  1. © 2014 HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014

    HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved.
  2. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. Sumant Mallavaram, GISP

  3. §  Commercial spaceports licensing in U.S. §  FAA Office of

    Commercial Space Transportation (AST) §  Commercial Suborbital Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) §  EA including noise modeling & analysis §  INM model not designed for spaceports §  No current FAA approved noise model BACKGROUND
  4. §  Ensure activities due to space flights are in compliance

    with FAA noise standards §  Compliance with FAA’s 65DNL standard §  Per FAA: “…..the FAA has determined that the cumulative noise energy exposure of individuals to noise resulting from aviation activities must be established in terms of the day-night average sound level (DNL) in decibels (dB). The 65 DNL is the Federal significance threshold for aircraft noise exposure. Source: http://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_development/omp/FAQ/Noise_Monitoring/?print=go#q4 BACKGROUND
  5. §  Develop noise model methodology o  FAA provided published source

    o  Independent third party QC/feedback §  Obtain RLV’s time series, trajectory data §  Create GIS-based time series model o  Testing & verification §  Run scenarios §  Generate noise contours §  Comply with FAA’s 65 DNL standard OBJECTIVES Source: https://www.thefundingnetwork.com.au
  6. §  Source-Path-Receiver Model §  Launch site + Runway + Trajectory

    §  Rocket noise source §  Receptor grid; Cartesian coordinates §  Receptor distance, angle §  Propagation & sound power level §  Combined sound of several sources METHODOLOGY
  7. §  Excel spreadsheet §  Time series (1 second time step)

    §  1,105 time steps, ~ 20 minutes round trip §  Key parameters for noise modeling: o  Latitude / longitude o  Velocity o  2D and 3D vector components o  Altitude FLIGHT PATH DATA
  8. §  Baseline o  General aviation activity (GA) o  Static Hot

    Fire Test (SHFT) o  Launch event o  Total noise = GA + SHFT + Launch o  Increased noise = Total Noise - GA §  Scenarios (several) o  Variable # flights (1/week, 5/week, 1/mo, 3/mo, etc) o  Variable # of hot fire tests per year (12, 50, 100) o  Combination of variable # flights & hot fire tests §  Goal: Compliance with FAA 65DNL standard NOISE LEVEL GRIDS
  9. §  ArcGIS ModelBuilder §  Combination of Python, Iterators and ArcToolbox

    tools §  Automated model runs §  Automated scenario runs §  “Custom” tools for frequently requested additional analyses THE “TOOL”
  10. §  Spaceport license applications on the rise §  Need: No

    standard FAA noise model for spaceports §  Solution: Fully GIS based mathematical model §  Future: o  Streamline current tool o  Adapt framework for FAA’s geospatial modeling environment o  Address FAA comments §  Good news! FAA just approved our methodology and approach NEXT STEPS…
  11. © 2014 HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014

    HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved. © 2014 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved.
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