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[DigDAOマッチングドネーション] Fund distribution experimen...

[DigDAOマッチングドネーション] Fund distribution experiment for Civictech projects via Quadratic Funding

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  1. Fund distribution experiment for Civictech projects via Quadratic Funding beyond

    brutcratic grant allocation to mechanism based governnance taka (Shunsuke Takagi), DigDAO contributer
  2. Quick intro: about me - Taka (Shunsuke Takagi) 󰏦 -

    founded and failed Civichat which is chatbot to find eligible social welfare services in Japan (e.g., national insurance, scholarship, grant for got child) - interested in: the government as a platform - Conteributed: Plurality Tokyo, and Funding the Commons Tokyo - https://twitter.com/0xcommune
  3. about DigDAO? - kind of community for who interested for

    “governmentality 統治技術”(how to governance, rationality of governance) beyond crypto-currency - the community started from web3 study group in Digital Agency in Government of Japan https://www.digdao.jp/en/
  4. - kind of money distribution mechanism as funding like crowd-funding

    - donation-maching via quadratic formula - Projects supported by the community, rather than those selected by a few bureaucrats, receive funding. - it’s could be useful for Civictech (public goods as an application layer) FYI: What’s the Quadratic Funding https://www.wtfisqf.com/
  5. - kind of money distribution mechanism as funding like crowd-funding

    - donation-maching via quadratic formula - Projects supported by the community, rather than those selected by a few bureaucrats, receive funding. - it’s could be useful for Civictech (public goods as an application layer) FYI: What’s the Quadratic Funding https://www.wtfisqf.com/ anyway, we’ll have a Quadratic Funding workshop after noon!
  6. Problem: Civictech as digital public goods is not sustainable as

    finance - (digital) public goods is hard to make money - government funding as comercial company(become a Govtech) is hard to into as a startup - almost Civictech projects are “hobby” by IT worker - there no full-time civic hacker
  7. We’ve host Fund distribution experiment - Duration: July 17-24 -

    Target: 18 Civictech projects - Matching Pool: 10万円 (0.8K$USD) - Where budget came from?: (currently depending on)Donation - crowdfunded: 1200$(18万円) - unique donors: 103ppl
  8. Listed project examples 支援みつもりヤドカリくん welfare services simulater check-in: estimated arrival

    time あんしん夜道 nigeruno - 新しい居場所へ逃げ出すための情報サイ ト resources for poverty alleviation
  9. - Mechanism-Based Governance: transparency and fast fund distribution - Supporter-Driven

    Distribution: Projects supported by the community, rather than those selected by a few bureaucrats, receive funding. - Addressing Niche Needs: even niche projects receive funding, based more on donor count than donation amount. Quadratic Funding(QF), How was works
  10. Mechanism-Based Governance Matching donations are a new participatory donation method

    that reflects the values of more people. our services targeted a student. so, in normal fund distribution we’ve underrated. however, in QF could be fix this! Project owner of 第3の家族(third-family) Hal from Code for Japan
  11. Addressing Niche Needs Project rank Allocation (JPY) Project rank (%)

    Allocation (%) Allocation Distribution・分布 Cumulative Allocation Distribution・累積分布
  12. What’s the future of the government look like IMO -

    Limited government? or, Big government? no, maybe kind of a platform - building and experiment the mechanism to coordinate among citizen
  13. - kind of this experiment should do by the government

    - however, Ask not why nobody is doing this. You are I’m the "nobody"! cheers https://g0v.us/ So, we did it! - the public goods is hard to alive by their nature. We need your support; foundation, government… Closing see the project details or, contact us! takagishunsuke1129@gmail.com
  14. acknowledgement as mentioned #7 slide, our experience’s matching fund was

    donated by DeSci Tokyo! https://desci-tokyo.jp/