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Scale your Docker containers with Mesos

Scale your Docker containers with Mesos

Gitpro 2015

Timothy Chen

May 01, 2015

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  1. Docker containers at scale with Apache Mesos Distributed Systems Engineer

    Apache Mesos PMC Timothy Chen @tnachen tim@mesosphere.io
  2. 240 million monthly active users 500 million tweets per day

    Up to 150k tweets per second More than 100TB per day of compressed data
  3. “Mesos is the cornerstone of our elastic compute infrastructure —

    it's how we build all our new services and is critical for Twitter's continued success at scale. It's one of the primary keys to our data center efficiency.” — Chris Fry, SVP of Engineering at Twitter
  4. Mesos is...  A top-level Apache project  A cluster

    resource negotiator  Scalable to 10,000s of nodes  Fault-tolerant, battle-tested  An SDK for distributed apps
  5. Marathon does it! Start, stop, scale, update apps Nice web

    interface, API Highly available, no SPoF Native Docker support Fully featured REST API Pluggable event bus Rolling deploy / restart Application health checks Artifact staging
  6. Features Distributed job scheduler Web interface, API Highly available, no

    SPoF Native Docker support Easy scheduling with repeating intervals
  7. Chronos  REST P U T c h r o

    n o s - n o d e : 8 0 8 0 / s c h e d u l e r / j o b / j o b 1 G E T c h r o n o s - n o d e : 8 0 8 0 / s c h e d u l e r / j o b s D E L E T E c h r o n o s - n o d e : 8 0 8 0 / s c h e d u l e r / t a s k / k i l l / j o b 2