A brief talk covering the basics of monitoring a Riak cluster. Delivered at the Boston Riak Meetup, inspired by Monitorama. I'm sorry for all the Wire references (not really).
handler lager_console_backend into lager_event 18:34:19.720 [debug] Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into error_logger 18:34:19.720 [info] Application lager started on node nonode@nohost 18:34:20.736 [debug] Not connected to the local Riak node, trying to connect. alive:false connect_failed:undefined 18:34:20.737 [debug] Starting distributed Erlang. 18:34:20.740 [debug] Supervisor net_sup started erl_epmd:start_link() at pid <0.42.0> 18:34:20.742 [debug] Supervisor net_sup started auth:start_link() at pid <0.43.0> Friday, March 29, 13