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Monitoring Riak

Monitoring Riak

A brief talk covering the basics of monitoring a Riak cluster. Delivered at the Boston Riak Meetup, inspired by Monitorama. I'm sorry for all the Wire references (not really).

Tom Santero

March 27, 2013

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  1. $  bin/riak  ping pong OK! √ $  bin/riak  ping Node

     not  responding  to  pings Friday, March 29, 13
  2. $  bin/riak  ping pong OK! √ $  bin/riak  ping Node

     not  responding  to  pings OHNOES! X Friday, March 29, 13
  3. $  riak-­‐admin  test Attempting  to  restart  script  through  sudo  -­‐H

     -­‐u  riak Successfully  completed  1  read/write  cycle  to  'riak@devnull' Friday, March 29, 13
  4. Metric CPU Memory Disk Space Disk IO Network File Descriptors

    Swap Threshold 75% * num_cores 70% - bu!ers 75% 80% sustained 70% sustained 75% of ulimit > 0KB Friday, March 29, 13
  5. $  riak-­‐admin  status 1-­‐minute  stats  for  'riak@devnull' -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ vnode_gets  :

     600 vnode_gets_total  :  714 vnode_puts  :  600 vnode_puts_total  :  714 vnode_index_reads  :  0 vnode_index_reads_total  :  0 vnode_index_writes  :  0 vnode_index_writes_total  :  0 vnode_index_writes_postings  :  0 vnode_index_writes_postings_total  :  0 vnode_index_deletes  :  0 vnode_index_deletes_total  :  0 vnode_index_deletes_postings  :  0 vnode_index_deletes_postings_total  :  0 node_gets  :  585 node_gets_total  :  694 node_get_fsm_siblings_mean  :  0 node_get_fsm_siblings_median  :  0 node_get_fsm_siblings_95  :  0 node_get_fsm_time_99  :  743 node_get_fsm_time_100   <-­‐-­‐  snip  -­‐-­‐> Friday, March 29, 13
  6. **  Reason  for  termination  ==   **  {error,system_limit,[{erlang,open_port, [{spawn,"zlib_drv"},[binary]],[]},{zlib,open,0,[]}, {zlib,zip,1,[]},{riak_kv_pb_object,process,2,

    [{file,"src/riak_kv_pb_object.erl"},{line,218}]}, {riak_api_pb_server,process_message,4,[{file,"src/ riak_api_pb_server.erl"},{line,203}]}, {riak_api_pb_server,handle_info,2,[{file,"src/ riak_api_pb_server.erl"},{line,123}]}, {gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,"gen_server.erl"}, {line,607}]},{proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3, [{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,227}]}]} 2013-­‐03-­‐26  17:24:17  =CRASH  REPORT====    crasher:        initial  call:  riak_api_pb_server:init/1        pid:  <0.15785.5260> Friday, March 29, 13
  7. Riaknostic $  riak-­‐admin  diag  -­‐-­‐level  debug 18:34:19.708  [debug]  Lager  installed

     handler  lager_console_backend  into  lager_event 18:34:19.720  [debug]  Lager  installed  handler  error_logger_lager_h  into  error_logger 18:34:19.720  [info]  Application  lager  started  on  node  nonode@nohost 18:34:20.736  [debug]  Not  connected  to  the  local  Riak  node,  trying  to  connect.   alive:false  connect_failed:undefined 18:34:20.737  [debug]  Starting  distributed  Erlang. 18:34:20.740  [debug]  Supervisor  net_sup  started  erl_epmd:start_link()  at  pid  <0.42.0> 18:34:20.742  [debug]  Supervisor  net_sup  started  auth:start_link()  at  pid  <0.43.0> Friday, March 29, 13