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Your Library Website Stinks and it's Your Fault

Your Library Website Stinks and it's Your Fault

Your library website is frustrating your users and sending them into the warm embrace of Google. Why? Because it's not made for them, it's made for librarians. I talk about how libraries can turn things around and build useful, usable websites that adapt to user needs by listening to your users, knowing what your website is for, and getting and using feedback.

Matthew Reidsma

March 15, 2012

More Decks by Matthew Reidsma

Other Decks in Design


  1. Welcome to OPAC Catalog of Your Local Library You may

    search for: A > AUTHOR T > TITLE J > JOURNAL B > AUTHOR/TITLE SEARCH S > SUBJECT W > KeyWORD C > LC CALL NO P > Repeat PREVIOUS Search R > RESERVE Lists I > Library INFORMATION O > OTHER Libraries F > Campus/Faculty Information database V > VIEW your circulation record D > DISCONNECT Choose one (A,T,J,B,S,W,C,P,R,I,O,F,V,D)