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Roscoff Culture Collection - User Committee 2019

Daniel Vaulot
December 05, 2019

Roscoff Culture Collection - User Committee 2019

Daniel Vaulot

December 05, 2019

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  1. Roscoff Culture Collection Collection de Cultures de Roscoff Station Biologique

    de Roscoff FR2424 et UMR7144 Director : Ian Probert, Curator: Priscillia Gourvil Scientific director: D. Vaulot
  2. The Roscoff Culture Collection • Set up in 1998 from

    research collection • 5,492 strains (Dec 2019) • Large phylogenetic coverage • Large coverage of oceanic regions (arctic to tropics)
  3. A few numbers for 2019 • 34,190 transfers (660 strains

    per week) • 565 L of medium • 6 communications (posters, presentations..) • 50 visitors to RCC facility • 243 orders (1099 strains) 45% increase compared to 2018 (167 orders and 666 strains) • Strains sent to 39 countries The Roscoff Culture Collection
  4. Personnel RCC Ian PROBERT IR UPMC Director Priscillia GOURVIL IE

    CNRS Curator Martin GACHENOT AI CDD UPMC Léna GOUHIER AI CDD UPMC Since 15/06/2018 Valeria JIMENEZ CR CDD UPMC Projet Moore Support Daniel VAULOT DR CNRS Scientific director Florence LE GALL IE CNRS Isolation Fabienne JALABERT IR CNRS Microscopie Dominique MARIE IR CNRS Flow cytometry sorting Christian JEANTHON DR CNRS Bacteria Anne-Claire BAUDOUX CR CNRS Viruses
  5. Infrastructures • Culture space – 3 culture rooms – 14

    culture cabinets – 1 transfer laboratory • 5 flow cytometers – FACSAria – high speed sorter (2003) – FACSCanto – analysis (2008) – Beckmann Coulter Quanta – analysis (2009) – Accuri C6 – analysis (2011) – Guava - analysis (2016) • 4 microscopes equiped for digital imaging • Cryopreservation equipment – Progressive freezer – 2 -150°C freezer – Liquid nitrogen tanks
  6. Distribution Schools 2019 TIPE subject “Ocean” ➔lots of enquiries (mail,

    phone) since September 2019 ➔significant increase in (free) orders - Rethink of policy? - Development of educational kits?
  7. Culture media Service initiated july 2019 - 3 media (f/2,

    K, PCRS11-RS) - 50€/litre public / 100€/litre private - 15 litres ordered (10xf/2, 3xRS, 2xK) Novelties 2019
  8. CRBM cryopreservation facility Operational since October 2019 RCC cryopreservation service

    First order for cryopreservation in November 2019 : - 10 macroalgal strains - private company Novelties 2019
  9. 12th Advanced Phytoplankton Course (APC12) SBR - May 20th to

    June 9th 2019 Teaching 2019 200+ strains from RCC
  10. 3rd US Harmful Algae identification Course (MERHAB) Bigelow - August

    12th to 22nd 2019 Teaching 2019 ca 50 strains from RCC
  11. Teaching 2019 RCC implication in training courses 2019: • 26

    days teaching • 412 person days (students) • 355 strains
  12. Customer survey • Link sent with order and then sent

    again one month later • Answer rate : 9.4% (30.5% in 2016) • Customers are globally satisfied • They would like to be able to order media Feedback through web site • Questions concerning culture shipment • Billing Customer feedback
  13. RCC Outlook 2020 ▪ CRBM ▪ LEDs for 4°C, 15°

    and 22° C rooms ▪ Quality Management / Traceability ▪ ISO9001 certification for joint EMBRC-France BRC by end 2020 ▪ Application for EU Register of ABS compliant collections ▪ Cryopreservation ▪ Continue cryopreserving strains for which protocol is OK ▪ Test new protocols for cryo-recalcitrant strains (diatoms, dinoflagellates,…) ▪ DB / website ▪ Makeover, improved stats, inclusion of BLAST tool (already paid) ▪ New logo ! ▪ Training course ▪ Basic 3 day culturing/identification course in May 2020 ▪ Projects ▪ Moore Foundation – Microalgal transformation, collaboration Banyuls (until November 2020) ▪ EBB, ASSEMBLE+ (ABS, CRB management) ▪ Current applications: ANR2020, H2020 screening, Moore symbiosis